

My Treasure

Day 4- Treasure @fortheloveofnaluevents

With a shaky breath, Natsu tentatively presses his lips against the side of her neck, her fingers curling around his arms that hold her as she exposes more of her neck to him with a soft hum, “Natsu..”

Hearing his name like that on her lips encourages him to tighten his hold around her waist and deepen his kiss along her neck, leaving a trail of sparks in his wake that lights a fire deep within her.

Her breathing picks up at his touch as she turns around to capture his lips with hers, invading his mouth with her tongue as she starts taking control; her hands gripping his spiked locks bringing him in as his hands squeeze her hips tightly keeping her close.

She pulls back briefly for them to catch their breath, leaning their heads against each other, “You got quite a deal with the prize you won,” Lucy says between breaths trying to get her pounding heart back under control.

Natsu blushes as his hand cups her chin, making her look at him, his gaze intense as he fights off his natural reluctance to be bold and brazen when he’s not behind the wheel, “You are my true prize, my treasure, Lucy.”

Secrets of the Heart

Day 3- Secret/Surprise @fortheloveofnaluevents

“Where the hell are we going, Dragion?” Lucy finally inquires as Natsu continues to guide her through a maze of directions, being really secretive as the blindfold over her eyes didn’t help her to try to even guess what he had in store for her.

“We’re almost there, just try to relax,” Natsu says trying to stay calm himself as his heart beats erratically inside his chest trying to keep this surprise for her a secret ever since they won that free vacation together; he wanted everything to be perfect, “okay, you can look now.”

Lucy tears off the blindfold quickly to see what all the secrecy was about just for her mouth to drop taking in the romantic scene before her: they stand in a large suite in front of a king sized bed with rose petals scattered all around, candles lit on the nightstand, and a tray of sweet delicacies set to the side with a couple glasses of champagne.

“Natsu…” she breathes in awe as she wonders how he managed to put this altogether without her finding out.

“Surprise, Lucy,” he says softly in her ear as he wraps his arms around her from behind, his breath tickling the crook of her neck as his lips ghost over her skin, “I hope you like it.”

Vacation for Two

Day 2- Vacation @fortheloveofnaluevents

“And the winner is Natsu Dragion as he leaves the other racers in the dust!” the announcer calls out, concluding the race.

Natsu makes his way up to the winner’s podium where King Jellal awaits to hand him his prize, “Natsu, as king, I would like to present to you a full expenses paid vacation for two that allows you to choose any vacationing spot of your choosing and to take whoever you wish.”

Natsu’s jaw nearly drops but then sees Lucy running towards him then tackling him into a fiercely tight hug, “You did it!”

He smiles and returns her hug, “Of course I did, and now we can go on a trip together!”

Lucy freezes in his arms before slowly pulling away to look at him with his excited smile, a soft blush dusting her cheeks, “Y-You mean just the two of us?” she asks nearly shocked but his firm nod and soft gaze chased away any lingering doubts she once had regarding their feelings for each other- this was their chance.

Trust Me

Here’s to hoping for the best! This is my first attempt at a 5 sentence challenge. Hopefully I can continue to challenge myself for Edo NaLu week for each day with the 5 sentences but who knows what my brain will let me do this week! @fortheloveofnaluevents Day 1 of 7

Day 1- Trust/Overcome

“You’re going to get yourself killed, Dragion,” Lucy states shaking her head at her pink-haired partner as he hops into his hot rod at the start of the line.

Natsu flashes her one of his signature grins, his confident smile always beaming when he’s behind the wheel, “Oh, come one Luce, this is nothing; besides, all I have to do is win, right? Don’t you trust me?”

She raises a leery brow at his confidence despite the dangerous race he’s about to take part in and leans over the driver’s door getting close to his face, “And if you don’t win, that means you’ll get to be the first to try out Technique 49.”

Color drains his face as he quickly switches from being his cool, confident racer attitude to one of fear of what his blonde partner came up with this time, “Aye, ma’am!” he nearly stutters.
