#eek someone said something nice to me





Pairing: Hoseok x Jungkook

Wordcount: 2.3k

Genre/Rating: +18, PWP, NSFW!

Tags/Warnings: Kink discovery, cum play, sexting, snowballing, blowjobs, brief mention of other kinks as Hoseok recollects memories such as blindfolding and forced orgasming, unedited chaos

A/N: For the lovely koobi enthusiast @hoeuseok​. Please disregard the banner and title as I couldn’t think of either.

This is a commission for the ARMY for AAPI Advocacy and Justice! Please consider donating to get your own request fulfilled and learn more about the cause!

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That’s this is it officer, it’s the fic that killed me!!! Holy fucking shit though, thanks for giving me ANOTHER kink but for real though I READ THIS FUCKING FIC TWICE because of the amount of beautiful abs and cum description, I FUCKING WISH I could write fics like this. Maxi, you are a god tier writer and I will never let you feel otherwise. EVERYONEEEE NEEDS TO READ THIS PLEASEEEE!!!! READ IT AND TELL ME I’M WRONG, I DARE YOU!

Aaaaaaah Quinn!!!! Thank you so much. Writing this was fun because I got to fuck around with a part of sex we don’t talk about much besides it being the end goal- cum, cum cum!!!! 

BUT you write plenty of your own wonderful fics in niches I could never manage to do! I’m honored to have a wonderful writer recognize my work :D
