


Hello EE fans! Sorry for the silence, both mods were in the storm area that hit this week. But we’ve been busy making this zine even better than the last: and that starts with this little update!

First, we’re approaching 2nd check-in! Everything is looking gorgeous so far, we can’t wait for you guys to see it all in the zine.

Second, we’re running a special poll. One of our pieces of merch is a cute lil teddy pin, but that’s not the only special thing bout it! Two of our stretch goals involve this - and the 1st is what you guys get to choose. A 2nd special palette for it. Vote here to decide which one will be the second palette!

And finally we’re going to be doing a weekly game! This will just be for fun, for all of us to just blow off some steam. Each week will have a theme, and to play all you have to do is make something if you want to - art, poems, stories, anything goes! Just keep it pg and tag us once you do. We’ll post the 1st week’s 1st example right after this.

That’s all for now, thanks for sticking with us fellow fans!

- Mod Plush Sylvie


It’s finally time! The 2nd volume of Great At Zine, with around 30 unique art pieces, 6 stories, and 3 poems, is now available for pre-orders! You can order it here: https://greatatzine.bigcartel.com

We have various bundles we’ll be showing off under the read more, along w/ stretch goals!  We’ll be selling till August 29th, so about a full month! The Tea Party add on will ship in September, and we’re hoping to send everything else in October or November, so it’ll be a perfect Christmas gift!  Once those ship we’ll be sending the money to @jelloapocalypse​ to help out the future of the series! 

Keep reading

Hey folks! This is one of the 2 major projects that’ve kept me quiet for most of 2021 so far, and I’m so delighted it’s finally been released! This was my first ever zine experience, and on top of all the incredible talent involved, Mod Plush Sylvie made this a wonderful time for a newbie like me.

I contributed a full spread piece, and, as shown in the full post above, a pin! I’ll share previews of them soon, and if the sales do well, the full pieces once sales wrap up!

It would really mean a lot to all of the brilliant artists who worked on this if you considered purchasing the zine and/or boosting this across social media, if you’re able! Thank you, and thank you again to all the wonderful folks who worked on this zine for having me on board! <3

EDIT:Quick fyi: as of 7/21/2021, there’s a little error in the stretch goal numbers! Besides the first goal, each stretch goal is actually 10 orders LESS then what’s stated in the graphic! Mod PS will fix it when they have the time, your patience is appreciated!

It’s finally time! The 2nd volume of Great At Zine, with around 30 unique art pieces, 6 stories, and 3 poems, is now available for pre-orders! You can order it here: https://greatatzine.bigcartel.com

We have various bundles we’ll be showing off under the read more, along w/ stretch goals!  We’ll be selling till August 29th, so about a full month! The Tea Party add on will ship in September, and we’re hoping to send everything else in October or November, so it’ll be a perfect Christmas gift!  Once those ship we’ll be sending the money to @jelloapocalypse​ to help out the future of the series! 

Can’t get physical stuff due to where you live? The Online Partyroom is another way you can enjoy the full zine and if you can’t get that then get the Tea Party add-on instead! It has 3 unique art pieces and a little story we’ll be sharing snippets of later.

Our final option is Carnival Prize, for those who want more than 1 of @zelebirbo​ ’s beautiful pin or only it!

And finally we have our stretch goals! When we hit these we’ll reveal the designs of them. Add-on only sales don’t count towards these, but the digital bundles will to help out!

We hope y'all will be able to enjoy it. - Mod Plush Sylvie
