

is it 

a) impressive that michael can almost vaguely hold his own against Amenadiel and Lucifer despite his injured side

b) hilarious that in every fight so far he’s gotten the shit kicked out of him in the end


c) sad that he keeps picking these fights and getting the shit kicked out of him

honestly the most baffling thing about lucifer as a character is just how fucking quickly he can switch from being good and compassionate to chloe and then five seconds later just COMPLETELY missing the point entirely with mazikeen and breaking her heart in pieces

and it’s gotta be because he thinks she’s ‘just a demon’ and he thinks she’s not that soft but omg maze is the softest fucker on this show and im sick of her turning against lucifer but also its entirely fucking jUSTIFIED????? luci legit sAT THERE AND WAS LIKE ‘you’re JUST A DEMON’ TWICE

like alright yeah maze stab the shit out of him. 

maze is the character on the show who has been struggling with the same shit for the longest time and hasn’t really made any serious breakthroughs because these chucklefucks around her don’t really seem to NOTICE and im sick of them all

god really fucked up when he gave humans wing kinks and then left them unattended in the garden as lucifer popped up and sauntered up to eve with his sexy extra appendages


amenadiel’s old brick shithouse wings still haunt my dreams

look at how BEEFY these things are!!! and the bottom is a straight linE?

amenadiel’s old brick shithouse wings still haunt my dreams

andanotherthing! when lucifer scarred michael’s face i was cringing so fucking much eURGH

idek why ?? ?? it just seemed so brutal to me. effective. but brutal. like, fuck, luci. 

when michael tricked dan into seeing lucifer……. i was more impressed than angry tbh…. like my jaw dropped. i was screaming. what a cheeky bitch

michael is such a little shitin lucifer and honestly i love it. what a perfectly crooked little bitch he is. he’s my bitch now. gonna tuck his nasty ass self into a little nest as he schemes and plots. 
