#egypt mythology


My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

– Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias

Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic 

Osiris and Isis // God of the underworld and Goddess of magic 

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Gods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and loGods and Goddesses of Egypt Anubis god of death and mummification Hathor goddess of fertility and lo

Gods and Goddesses of Egypt 

Anubisgod of death and mummification 

Hathorgoddess of fertility and love 

Sekhmetgoddess of chaos and war

Nut goddess of the sky and stars 

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