#el pais

Illustration from back in May for the cover of El Pais Semanel, Spain’s largest newspaper. It

Illustration from back in May for the cover of El Pais Semanel, Spain’s largest newspaper. It was about the technology of self driving vehicles.

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Gracias a Gloria Crespo y al diario ‘El País’ por este fantastico fotoensayo sobre nuestro trabajo publicado este domingo en ‘El PAÍS Semanal’:

“El Universo en un instante”

We would like to thank Gloria Crespo and the newspaper ‘El País’ for this great photo essay about our work published at 'El PAÍS Semanal’ this Sunday . (Spanish only)

 Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

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 Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

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  Léa Seydoux & Adèle Exarchopoulos - El País Semanal
 Léa Seydoux & Adèle Exarchopoulos - El País Semanal

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leaseydoux:Léa Seydoux by Matteo Montanari for El Pais


Léa Seydoux by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

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“[George Harrison] fervently embraced Hinduism and his reticent character has led him to unceremoniously despise all those who are lost for power and material goods. If it were up to him, politicians, a group of ‘useless people whom we wouldn’t want to see running even the smallest company’, should do some soul-searching before launching into running society. 'I would force them to meditate for at least ten years before running for election. We are ruled by people who don’t even know how to respect their bodies and yet claim to control our lives,’ he says.

The former beatle has always recognised that his musical success has made his working-class origins almost a memory. He has also joked that he makes enough money to be a Conservative, but is unwilling to give up his principles. 'If it wasn’t for groups like Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth, I would have given up hope. Today’s politicians, whether they are from the right or the left, or as good Christians as Tony Blair never tires of showing, don’t think about the world that they are bequeathing to other generations. They are ignorant people lacking authentic beliefs. If they knew what would happen to them when they died, they would do less nonsense,’ he adds.

Harrison, who experimented with LSD and admits that you have to know how to quit drugs, assures that it would be worth instilling in children respect for their bodies and a spirituality that would lead them to appreciate the value of others. 'What we are, that is, the soul, which is existence and knowledge itself, is what counts. There are wonderful people out there, but those who pull the strings are sick with ambition and greed,’ he concludes, to wish followed by a 'Merry Christmas’ with the best of telephone smiles.”

- Isabel Ferrer,El Pais [Spanish magazine] translation (23 Dec. 2000)

misseydoux:Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais


Léa Seydoux, by Matteo Montanari for El Pais

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