



tales of love - years later

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Axel gives us a little update on how things are going with Sy and Molly. (yes i wrote a chapter from a dog’s pov )

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 545

A/N: And this was the end of a short but sweet little series with vision impaired!Sy. Writing this truly broadened my horizon writing wise and I enjoyed it so much. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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This was such a sweet and cute story ❤️ I really loved the concept of a vision impaired!Sy… and of adding Axel’s side of the story

Aww, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it - it sure was a bit of a different story to write, but I’m glad I did!



tales of love - a fight to remember

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly have their first real fight.

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 674

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Glad Sy opened up to her ❤️

Still loving Axel’s little comments

Axel’s comments are giving me life lol



tales of love - touch

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly take the next step in their relationship.

Warnings: A little bit of smut, but very vaguely described.

Wordcount: 824

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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Also, poor Axel

How could they do that to Axel
