#elena tonra

Elena Tonra by Liz Seabrook

Elena Tonra byLiz Seabrook

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[EX:RE] it was a project that came from some writing i had done to try and process a break up. it’s also, i guess, quite a reflective piece, so I wanted to play with Ex:Re as an x-ray to look deep inside yourself but also to kind of try and understand that time. i think the most helpful thing has been about sort of analyzing patterns in behavior and i know for me to kind of then discover after making the record (like oh) maybe my relationship with alcohol is actually not very good, or something like that. these kind of really personal findings that i was never expecting to find by writing about missing someone. i think it’s had much more of a positive effect then i realized it would ever have. i like to think that it’s sort of a soundtrack to different memories i have of being alone and missing that person. each song is set in a different place, like a real place and a real memory. [new york is set in new york] and so i wanted it to sound kind of like a city and police sirens were re-created by joesephine’s cello. i guess it’s just like trying to create for a listener the experience of what it felt to be in that memory.”



I should go now quietly
For my bones have found a place
To lie down and sleep
Where all my layers can become reeds
All my limbs can become trees
All my children can become me
What a mess I leave
To follow

DAUGHTER - Smother


Track of the day // Ex:Re - Romance

#reblog    #elena tonra    