


Hello there! You’re probably here because you’re in some form interested in the TobiIzu ship. This event focuses on those two cute little murder beans and is dedicated to them. A whole week full of TobiIzu! This is the masterpost with the rules-not-really-rules and the overview for the whole thing..

The main prompt list

Day 1: Summons/Amnesia

Day 2: Markings/gnc

Day 3: any AU/any swap (generation, body, role ect.)/Soulmates

Day 4: Red string of fate/Battlefield lovers

Day 5: Susanoo/Hiraishin

Day 6: Honor/Oath

Day 7: Letters (of love or not)/Tobirama’s fur baby

Alternative prompts and rules under the cut.

Keep reading

TobiIzu Week 2022

When:Jan 1st - 7th




Hello there. Since there’s a TobiIzu week planed for the end of 2021/early 2022 it’s time for the interest check. Before this event starts properly, let’s see what you want from it. If you like, please answer some short questions about the time you want it to take place, prompt wishes you may have and the way you may want to participate. You do not need to register for anything and taking part in the survey does not oblige you to take part in the event.

Please follow this link to a little Google form. It won’t ask you to fill in any private informations.

The proper prompt post will follow at Oct 31. Until then, the form stays open. Please share so this may reach a wider audience ^^

If anything occurs, please don’t hesitate to contact me either here or on my main blog @elenyafinwe


TobiIzu Week

Interest Check: through Oct

Event Dates: TBD


