#elephant villager


Happy birthday Ellie!

This normal elephant gets her name from her species - the ELLIE-phant! She has the nature hobby and she loves relaxing amidst flowers and trees. She is skilled at calculating tips (and she always tips at least 20%) and one day she wants to be a dentist! She loves mochas with two milk and sugar, and her favorite songs are KK Soul and KK Ballad! Wish her an absolutely fantastic birthday, li’l one! 

Happy birthday Paolo!

This lazy elephant is known for his amazingly wonderful eyebrows (that I’m jealous of, look how immaculately rectangular they are). He has the nature hobby and he loves to water flowers and relax outdoors! He’s skilled at competitive eating and one day wants to be a hair stylist (Harriet is his hero). He loves mochas with two milk and sugar, and his favorite songs are To The Edge and Two Days Ago! Wish him a very pink birthday, pal! 
