#eliza cohen


pair: none

warnings: injury ig? slightly sad but not really

desc: kamikiri has to comfort some kiddos.

song:dango daikozu - chata

any speech in italics is in japanese, only bc i didnt wanna mess up anything, nor did i feel like putting translations

the lyrics are in romaji i believe it is? correct me if im wrong

dango, dango, dango, dango

The last thing Katsu could recall was throwing herself in front of a young girl, a flood of blue lights, then black. Her back had stung, as it had been facing the blast.

They had been guarding a classroom of young children in Musutafu, Japan. She could remember that after a few moments. Then, that they had been evacuating children out through a window, one by one, as it wasn’t safe to rappel with more than one. They had gotten all but one little girl out, the eldest in her class, who had offered to go last. Then, there was that all too familiar heavy breathing and blue lights.

But the little girl, where had she gone-

And then she felt a gentle, small hand on her head. She looked up, instant relief washing over her. The little girl was almost unscathed, aside from a small scratch on her cheek.

dango, dango, daikazoku

“Are you alrght?” Katsu managed, forcing herself up, despite her shaky arms and the soreness she felt, It seemed her armor had blocked shrapnel, minus a few small cuts on her legs and some on her arms. She didn’t bother with those.

The little girl nodded, but clearly was shaken up. And after a gentle pat to her head, Katsu began to assess the area. The room was quite damaged, but stable enough. But what made her worry was the fact that she could hear talking from what she knew were the white masks. And her rifle was nowhere to be seen.

“Kamikiri, what’s yo-” The audio was crackling and it made her wince, concerning the small girl, but she waved her off, giving her the best reassuring smile she could muster.

dango, dango, dango, dango
dango, dango, daikazoku

Just then, she heard the footsteps become louder, and so, slipping out her pistol, she ushered the little girl into a corner, telling her to cover her ears and close her eyes as best she could.

As a man clad in grey, a white mask over his face, rounded the corner, Katsu took him out as quick as possible. Then, briefly scouting the area, she returned to the little girl, who had clearly peeked through her hands at the wrong time. She suddenly felt guilty about leaving the little girl, even for just a moment, so, unsure what to do, she began singing.

yancha na yaki dango
yasashii an dango
sukoshi yumemigachi na
tsukimi dango
osumashi goma dango
yotsu ko kushi dango
minna minna awasete
hyakunin kazoku

akachan dango wa itsumo
shiawase no naka de
toshiyori dango wa me o hosometeru

Much to her surprise, the little girl calmed quite quickly, and so she kept up, noting how the crackly static in her ear told her of help being on the way. Just a little longer. Then they’d be safe.

nakayoshi dango te o tsunagi ooki
na marui wa ni naru yo
machi o tsukuri dango boshi no ue
minna de waraiau yo
usagi mo sora de te o futte miteru
dekkai otsuki sama
ureshii koto kanashii koto mo
zenbu marumete

As her teammates took out any others, she did her best to keep the girl occupied from the screams. Carefully, she pulled the child into her arms, keeping the song going.

Shortly later, she carried her out, shouldering her rifle, which lay out of the room, covered by Eliza, Elias, Lera, Thandiwe and Gustave. Finally, they were safe. And the little girl would be able to go home to her family.

nakayoshi dango te o tsunagi ooki
na marui wa ni naru yo
machi o tsukuri dango boshi no ue
minna de waraiau yo
usagi mo sora de te o futte miteru
dekkai otsuki sama
ureshii koto kanashii koto mo
zenbu marumete

In the helo, the others were pleasantly surprised by Katsu’s singing, the young girl lay with her head rested on her shoulder, several other children sitting close by as they were led to safety.

A lot of the children even sang along, smiling even. A happier moment, which they all deserved after the long, terrifying day they’d had. Katsu was glad to help with it, of course.

dango dango dango dango
dango dango daikazoku
dango dango dango dango
dango daikazoku

“Thank you..” The little girl murmured with a small smile.

“Of course, little one.”

Shortly later, the children were gone, back to their mothers and fathers, who all thanked them, grateful. Some of them even hugged Katsu and the others, especially when the children pointed her out to them.

And again, they were eventually back in the helo.

“Not too shabby, recruit.” Lera said with a teasing grin, poking her shoulder. “I guess your singing works wonders.” She laughed softly.

“I’m glad they got out okay, at least.” Katsu smiled a bit.

“Because of you, mostly.”

“All of us, Lera.” Katsu laughed before Olivier could get the chance. She even saw him smirk a little. “It’s a group effort.”

“Olivier, I’d like to see yousing to some kids.” Elias laughed.

“Enough, guys, enough.” Eliza was even laughing.

dango dango dango dango
dango dango daikazoku
dango dango dango dango
dango daikazoku
