#elle reblogs awesome fix



5. Hunger

Hunter/Hunted Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (you)

Summary:Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Warnings: Hinting at smut to come

Word count: 100

A/N: Each chapter can be read as a standalone or a continuation of the story.

Note: This story will be NSFW and 18+ please do not engage if you’re a minor.

Start Here|Last Part|Next Part (coming soon)

Evenwith your eyes glued to your glass, you could feelthe hunger in green eyes.

You were used to dealing with hungry stares when at the bar. But his were… Different.

You could sense how he savoured every inch of you with a flick of his tongue catching a stray droplet of beer on his lip. As if that same tongue was travelling the length of your body.

As Dean slowly stalked towards you, the calloused fingers travelling along the bar top sent pleasurable shivers through your body.

With Dean it was different. With him the hunger was palpable.

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4. Ravenous

Hunter/Hunted Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (you)

Summary:Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Warnings: Very soft mentions of sex, fingering and some possessive!Dean

Word count: 100

A/N: Each chapter can be read as a standalone or a continuation of the story.

Note: This story will be NSFW and 18+ please do not engage if you’re a minor.

Start Here|Last Part |Next Part

Sugar and spice, that’s what you were.

And Dean couldn’t wait to indulge in it. He’d have you melt on his fingers like chocolate. He’d commit the taste of you to memory. He’d savour every moan, every whimper. He’d drown in sugar and spice, in you. All night.


But first… Dean needed to make you his. First he needed to catch you. His skittish little kitten. Always so quick to run away.

But not anymore.

Dean was done playing. It was time he claimed his prize. Time he took what was his.

It was time you became his.

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“He’d have melt on his fingers like chocolate”


3. Starved

Hunter/Hunted Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (you)

Summary:Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Warnings: Hinting at smut to come

Word count: 98

A/N: Each chapter can be read as a standalone or a continuation of the story.

Note: This story will be NSFW and 18+ please do not engage if you’re a minor.

Start Here|Last Part|Next Part

You were sick of playing games.

Of the endless ‘will-they-won’t-theys’. Of secret glances and his name sighed into the heated air of your bedroom. Pretending your fingers on your body were his as you traced countless dirty daydreams of lust-blown pupils and calloused hands; tugging, pulling, claiming.

You wanted him. Neededhim.

And by the way he seemed to be nearly branding you with forest fire eyes. Dean wanted you too. Across the bar, your hunter was growing impatient.


It was time to stop playing. Time to let him catch you; to let him claim his prey.

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2. Crave

Hunter/Hunted Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (you)

Summary:Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Warnings: Hinting at smut to come

Word count: 100

A/N: Each chapter can be read as a standalone or a continuation of the story.

Note: This story will be NSFW and 18+ please do not engage if you’re a minor.

Start Here|Next Part

Dean clutched the bottle in front of him. Letting it cool the prickling in his palms as his eyes refused to leave you across the bar. He wanted you.

Damn it, no.

Dean didn’t just wantyou.

He craved you.

You were an itch he couldn’t scratch. A hunger that also echoed in the eyes of the other patrons in the shithole of a bar as they leered at you. Swallowing heavily, Dean clutched the bottle a little harder as he rolled his tongue against his lip.

Theywouldn’t get you.

You were his.

You just didn’t know it yet.

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^me on the other side of the bar


1. Insatiable

Hunter/Hunted Masterlist

Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (you)

Summary:Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.

Written for @justagirlinafandomworld’sFlash Fiction 4 Challenge
My song was: Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen

Warnings: Hinting at smut to come

Word count: 100

Note: This story will be NSFW and 18+ please do not engage if you’re a minor.

Next Part

Dean Winchester was a hunter.

It was such an obviousfact. Yet, tonight, the word ‘hunter’ took on a whole different meaning. Glancing over, you caught him watching you from the other side of the bar again. Hungry eyes devouringyou as his tongue wet his bottom lip.

He hadn’t even touched you yet, and still your body was ablaze as you squirmed in your seat. The feeling of those green eyes, burning like a forest fire where they traveled the length of you, had you quietly whimpering with need.

Dean was a hunter and tonight you were his prey.

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The eyes and the thing with his lips and tongue he does, I-


Pairing(s):Dom!Dean Winchester x Sub!Reader

Tags:awkward tension, dom Dean, therapy, flirting

Series Summary: Y/N finds a job at the law office of Dean Winchester as a secretary. As she attempts to navigate her way through life after her mother’s passing, the last person who’d she’d expect any help from gives it to her in ways that she didn’t know she needed.

Word Count: 1.6k

A/N:And this will bring us to a short (I hope) hiatus in this series. I need to plan everything out before continuing it, and hopefully that won’t take me too long! Hope you guys enjoy! Beta’d by my darling @deangirl93



“And did you? Act on those urges?”

Dean shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he stared at the pattern in the oriental rug on the floor. He could feel his therapist’s eyes on him, waiting for an answer, but he didn’t want to give her one. It had been two days since he had bent Y/N over his desk and she had been avoiding him ever since. He couldn’t blame her – what kind of a person does that? 

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Omg okay okay, first of all, we stan a king that goes to therapy like yes baby go grow and learn

But also… keep acting on those urges because goddamn it’s so hot Also Y/N being a total queen like yes sir keep doing that, yaaaaaaaaas

“I have no problems bending you over this desk, too”

Lyd, this is a masterpiece and I love it so much and I love you for bringing it to life, it’s just



Pairing(s):Dom!Dean Winchester x Sub!Reader

Tags:light spanking, dom Dean

Series Summary: Y/N finds a job at the law office of Dean Winchester as a secretary. As she attempts to navigate her way through life after her mother’s passing, the last person who’d she’d expect any help from gives it to her in ways that she didn’t know she needed.

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N:Finally getting some action! I loved writing this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy! Beta’d by my darling @deangirl93​  




The busyness of the previous week had rolled over into the current one; the start of Y/N’s third week at the office. It was Tuesday, and Dean had sent her some more case summaries to look over and correct, among some other mundane tasks. She was tired, still not fully over the events of last Wednesday – Aaron had been blowing up her phone all weekend with apologies, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to. She thought about what Dean had said to her last week in his office. And if anyone is giving you a hard time, you tell them to fuck right off and send them to me. Understand? He seemed to be so protective over her, so caring. She had no clue as to why; he still didn’t know the first thing about her, and they hadn’t had much time to speak through all the work they had to do. 

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Oh my god it’s happening omg omg omg it’s happening!! I fucking love that scene in the movie and now to see it with Dean doing it… Miss ma’am I -

Excuse me while I pass out from excitement



Pairing(s):Dom!Dean Winchester x Sub!Reader

Tags:Dean being protective and slightly dominating, language

Series Summary: Y/N finds a job at the law office of Dean Winchester as a secretary. As she attempts to navigate her way through life after her mother’s passing, the last person who’d she’d expect any help from gives it to her in ways that she didn’t know she needed.

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N:Sorry I’m like two weeks late… I had finals week (but I have a degree now so yay!) and then I was on vacation for a week and have been pretty much non-stop doing things since then but I finally have time again! Hope you guys enjoy, Chapter 6 will be up shortly (like tonight) because I feel bad for leaving y’all hanging for two weeks. Beta’d by my darling @deangirl93​  




Y/N thought about calling in to work the next morning, but she knew that it’d likely cost her her job. Mr. Novak had offloaded some of his clients onto Dean, so things were busy this week as they tried to schedule meetings and organize court dates; which was Y/N’s responsibility to take care of.

She walked into the office a little later than usual, her eyes red and puffy from crying through the night. She kicked the door shut behind her with her heel before making her way to her desk, placing her tumbler of hot coffee down on the wooden surface. She shrugged off her coat, hanging it on the nearby coat rack, before sinking into her seat. Powering on her computer, she caught a glimpse of the time; it was 9:10, which meant that Dean was likely in his office by now, as he had always arrived promptly at 9:00. 

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^me on the inside when he ordered her to eat… just those green eyes staring her down ✨swoon✨

How is he so caring, intimidating and so unbelievably hot at the same time??

“It’s not that Dean needed someone to control…”

We all know that’s a lie so I need him to just take control now pleeeeease


Dean x reader

Word Count-1373

Warnings- Angst, Fluff

Summary- Dean is afraid of losing Y/N. So, in true Dean fashion, he starts to push her away before he gets too attached. But what happens when she’s had enough?

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Okay but Dean finally opening up to someone and letting himself be vulnerable and sweet has me a mess

Also a kiss in the rain with Dean… absolute perfection!
