#ellie’s going crazy


i wanna write some simple light hearted fluff but instead i’m thinking about my skts love letters and going absolutely crazy… sorry for the hiatus loves i’m just insane rn

childhood friends rivals to lovers tsukishima x reader

an idea that came to me in a dream, i will be writing in a self indulgent way wishing my long time crush/rival liked me… anyways

playboy part three today *rubs hands together* hehe get hyped ig

y’all. i am so insanity happy about how playboy is doing?? thank you so much, i didn’t think this lil series would go this far <3

part two comin out in two days!!! it’s already been written but i’m gonna get it beta read one more time to be sure!

all in all, thank you kindly. it truly means the world.

love, ellie :>
