#elliot honeysett



HIT ME WITH YOUR CAR.lyra fairbanks x elliot honeysett

crying screaming throwing up engaging in a fit of female hysteria etc thanks to @faithchel absolutely fucking obliterating my emotional composure with this piece of our girls for my early birthday present! um!!!!! do you see that guy’s lil face!!!! do you see my girl holding a raccoon as she should as is her right!!!!! with her evil special tortured meow meow wife!!!! anyway im going to go lay down and astral project like napstablook but please look this work ye mighty and despair. thank you so much stella for such a beautiful gift i’m (ಥ﹏ಥ) so very very lucky to have you as friend, ily!!!!


“you have come and made my dreams smaller, narrower. filled them with sugar and your body humming in the same room as mine. i dream, now, of a normal life with you—” -caitlyn siehl, chocolate chip pancakes

when i tell you i had my wig blown all the way off tonight by @honeysides showing me this finished piece of di and ell’s wedding day, done by the absolutely incomparable @witchesconstellation

thank you both so much from the bottom of my heart for this, i mean just look at it! elliot’s little smile and her dimples, diana’s tattoos, their gorgeous dresses! the FRECKLES. this is just completely perfect and I am crying looking at how happy they are! ash thank you so much for loving our girls, this truly means the world to me!
