#emergency assistance


hi guys, i’m really sorry to be a bother, but i’m still going through hell, and i really need some help, and i’m serious, even $0.50 will help, seriously. about me: i’m 25, a disabled, indigenous lesbian living very rural and doing everything i can to stay afloat.

pls only donate if you have the ability to, but share if you can!

homelessness tw, death tw, lack of food tw, disability/hospital tw

my partner still hasn’t found a job, despite applying literally everywhere she can. i’ve been working threejobs, but it’s making me so ill due to my disability that i’m getting super sick every single night, and i’m considering going to the hospital tonight because it’s that bad. to make it worse, my main job (public school) just got out for the summer so now i’m no longer having that steady income.

we literally have nothing to pay rent, buy food, anything. i had to ask my sister to pay my phone bill, and i feel incredibly guilty over that. i applied for emergency rental assistance, because i’m looking at homelessness. you can look at proof below the cut. we’re living without basic amenities like toothpaste, deoderant, etc, right now. i know i’ve asked for help before like with my cat, but this is for us, because it’s really bad right now.

my grandpa is dying, and i’m not saying that to garner sympathy, but it’s also taken a cut from my paychecks, because i’ve been in the hospital with him when i could be working recently. however, yesterday was the last time i’ll ever get to see him again before he passes. :sob: 

i worked for 8 hours today on door dash, but i live in a small town and pay is minimal. i only made about $50.

we just finished our last packet of ramen yesterday night, and all we have left is 1 box of mac and cheese, and 3 hot dogs. our one year anniversary was on wednesday and i would like to make her a nice dinner for that if i could, along with some basic cheap groceries like more ramen and stuff, so i’ve attached a couple screenshots of my walmart list as well of some food i’d like to get. it includes the dinner, cheap food, and some vegetables if i could (we desperately need some nutrition besides pasta and ramen). we are going to food drives but it’s always really random stuff, and mostly pasta. :( 

i also have a school payment of $100 if i want to continue taking classes, which i desperately do. if i can finish more credits, i can hope to start being a substitute teacher next year which could help me crawl out of the poverty hole i’m in.

so i have proof of my situation right now below, along with a walmart list and an amazon wishlist, and an add-up of all my current major costs.

ANYTHING will help, anything at all!!! seriously, like $0.50 anything :sob:

in exchange for donations, i’d be happy to provide commissioned services or tarot readings

payment options:

paypal:[email protected]
venmo: @/ oraclelauren 
cashapp: $selinaaakyle 

walmart list: about $95 (update from screenshot: i added some over the counter medicines for how sick i’ve been, and a sports bra bc my gf is in desperate need of a new bra)
rent: $700 (but i’m hoping to be approved for ERA)
misc:??? please help

amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1FEJJBTQ4LRIJ?ref_=wl_share


Helping A Family Avoid Homelessness and Transport Loss

UPDATE:We have managed to get a payment plan to get her some breathing room for her vehicle. My fiance has been assisting in optimizing her bills since there’s a lot of things she’s just not familiar with. Any donations will go towards car, back payments, and bills.

Hey folks,

You might recall back in December I talked about a family member who is very precious to me. She’s a disabled single mom with five kids, four at home with her. I was asking for donations to help her and her kids avoid homelessness.

The family has been through a lot. Abuse, trauma, and poverty. PTSD, anxiety, and poor health have made it very difficult for them to move forward in life. It’s also why I’m not posting photos etc, the mother has asked for privacy given the things they’ve been through.

(Everyone is in therapy and such it’s just been A Lot)

This past year:

  • They lost their main monetary provider.
  • She had to have all of her teeth removed and had to have surgery on her jaw which she is still recovering from.
  • Had multiple issues with their apartment that required renovation etc.
  • One of the kids was found to have a pretty bad gastric issue that needs management.
  • Right now, thanks to the loss of a primary monetary provider in the house they’re at risk of losing a place to stay. They need help.

They’re getting help locally from organizations but she’s still not able to make ends meet.

This family is a family of survivors. They are hilarious, sweet, wonderful, and creative. I want them to be okay. I want them to not have to ring in the new year living out of their car or worrying about living conditions.

They don’t get enough in to keep bills paid and a roof over their heads. They didn’t have enough for Christmas.

They need money for bills and rent for the coming month. Their social worker, friends, family, and she herself have been desperately hunting for a place for her to live. She has assistance that will pay for housing but the number of people who are willing to take that assistance in her area is very low so it’s been hard to find a place, especially with a large family.

We could really use your help. You guys got her through December and January. Your continued support would mean the absolute world to her and her kids. You have no idea. Your donations could make the difference between them having a place to live, having transportation, having electricity, etc.

If you can’t donate please share this around.

Donate Here

We also have a GoFundMe.

And here’s a picture of their furbaby since they don’t want family photos online given the nature of their situation:
