#emoji spell


- the good wizard

✨ ⚠️ ✨

- the good wizard

✨ ‍ ✨

- the evil wizard

❗️ ❗️

- the evil wizard

- the evil wizard

✨ ⚠️ ✨

- the good wizard


- the good wizard

✨ ✨

- the evil wizard

✨ ❤️‍ ✨

- the good wizard

✨ ✨

- the evil wizard

✨ ‍ ‍ ✨

- the evil wizard


Emoji Spell for the universe to grant you the love you deserve in 2020

Likes to charge and Reblogs to cast

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❗️ ❗️

- the evil wizard

❗️ ❗️

- the good wizard

- the good wizard


Emoji spell to bring money and abundance into your life~


Say out loud or in your head “blessed be!” Or “may it be so”

Likes to charge, reblogs to cast

Manifestation music

- the good wizard

⚠️ ⚠️

- the good wizard


Emoji Spell to attract potential romantic partners in 2020


Likes to charge and Reblogs to cast
