#emon x toji



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♘︎ : / .

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♘︎ : !

♘︎ : @desiray562@gabzlovesu@reneeslay@emonaculate


SUGURU GETO WAS THE BIGGEST WHORE ON CAMPUS. Which was saying something considering his friend group. He didn’t have an overly high body count, but in his three years of college, he had seen his fair share of pussy. None of them lasted more than two weeks and all of them were left wanting more. But Geto never cared, he always told them straight up not to fall in love with him. And it worked for him for a while. Never seriously catching feelings for any of his hoes, until he met Y/n.

He met her through Gojo because of his connection with Wendy. Originally, he was pushing up on Jade and he almost had her until Y/n showed up to the small smoke sesh at their apartment looking fine and his focus changed. Y/n never knew about Jade and Geto’s almost happening. She just ignorantly waltzed into his life and has stayed there since the start of senior year a month ago.

“What are you doing here?”

She had approached the sleek, dark blue car with annoyance. It was three in the morning when Geto had texted Y/n that he was outside. She had on a silk bonnet, a robe and crocs when she exited the doors of her off-campus housing building. Geto had never seen her look more beautiful.

“I got hungry and thought of you.” He explained simply, shrugging his bare shoulders.

Geto wore a black muscle shirt with black sweatpants, a plain gold chain and some slip ons.

The girl had scoffed but found herself entering the sports car with no further explanation. He knew food was her weak spot and was a guarantee in getting her to go anywhere.

Silence filled the car for a while as Y/n took a moment to fully wake up, drowsiness staying in her bones. Pulling up to the 24 hour dumpling restaurant, Geto escorted you inside before sitting at the booth by the window.

The two partners placed their orders. Well, Geto placed Y/n’s order and his own, and then they waited as riria., a Japanese artist, played throughout the eatery.

While Y/n would be lost in thought, Geto would find himself staring at her in deep regard. She was an enigma to him, something he couldn’t quite understand just yet. And she was beautiful, more than what was on the surface but internally, from what he was able to discover where she wasn’t wanting to share. Geto was well aware that he should not have gotten this attached to someone he’s only supposed to share a bed with, but he couldn’t stop himself even if he tried.

“Earth to dumbass. Stop staring at me and eat.” Y/n’s voice snapped at him and brought him back to earth.

Even when she was annoyed with him, her voice was still beautiful.

Fuck, he was down bad.

“You like your food?” Geto would ask, once again watching Y/n as she ate.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she brought the chopsticks to her mouth with the dumpling on it. “You mean the food that you ordered me? Sure, it’s good.”

What Geto would fail to notice behind her sarcasm and edgy tone, was that she was well and truly fed up with him.

And when the black haired man went to speak again, Y/n snapped. “Listen, Geto you can’t be doing this.”

Geto? Since when was he Geto?


“Jesus, you can’t be this dumb. We’re supposed to be on a ‘fuck-only’ basis. Not you coming at three in the morning because you’re bored. We’re not dating and we will never be dating, so stop doing shit like this. It’s fucking with my reputation and it’s bad enough I’ve been fucking with you for as long as I have.”

Truthfully, she hadn’t meant to be so loud. But Geto was failing at reading the room and she needed to be the one to teach him the lesson.

Geto had to work to control his expressions as an army of emotions marched through him. From anger, to sadness, to embarrassment, he was feeling them all.

And a simple “Okay.” was all he was able to release once the battle was done.

It was silent after that. The slurping and chewing all came from Y/n as Geto had lost his appetite. Even the smooth music did nothing to quell his rampant thoughts. His anxiety was flaring and making his neck flush red with worry. Geto’s hands gripped his sweats feverishly, his legs bouncing in syncopation. His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest and the overwhelming urge to inhale a gulp of air like he couldn’t breathe, was strong. With an abrupt smack of his knee hitting the table, Geto stood and quickly left the restaurant. His back hit the paved wall on the side of the building as he quickly tried to calm himself.

Relax. Relax. Relax. He just kept chanting over and over in his head until he felt himself calm down enough that he could breathe regularly again.

The chimes on the restaurant door echoed loudly in the midnight sky and reminded Geto that he did not come here alone.

“Are you okay?” Sensing the distress radiating off his body, Y/n kept a distance from him in case he needed space.

For the sake of discussion, Geto nodded his head before straightening himself out, fishing the keys out of his pocket, Geto told her he’d pay her back for the meal and the two of them entered the car.

And as he dropped Y/n off in a hurry, one thing remained true; he had been fucking with her for too long.

. definitely a short chapter but a peek into Geto’s thoughts on reader and how her words will end up affecting their relationship.


Not me feeling guilty about hurting Geto’s feelings.. Ne ways where my bae Toji at??? Lemme Holla at him real quick.

Good job again babes <3
