#emperor of austria


Franz Joseph I as king of Hungary

Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary

worldofhabsburgs:Many of Franz Joseph’s attitudes, character traits and ideas are clearly traceabl


Many of Franz Joseph’s attitudes, character traits and ideas are clearly traceable to his mother : his piety, conservatism, aversion to liberal and democratic ideas, intolerance, belief in aristocratic virtues, devotion to forms and formality, the idea of the legitimacy of dynasties, and of the sanctity of the house of Austria. All these ideas, attitudes, and character traits were strengthened by the influence of Franz Joseph’s teachers, who were always chosen on the basis of their views coinciding with those of the Archduchess.

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royalmotherhood: Archduchess Sophie of Austria (nee Princess of Bavaria) and eldest son, later Emper


Archduchess Sophie of Austria (nee Princess of Bavaria) and eldest son, later Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria.

Say what you will, but you have to admit that she was one devoted mother.

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Archduke Franz Joseph (later Emperor of Austria) at age 2

Emperor Francis I bids farewell to his family on deathbed
