

The Emperor and his Champion

Revisiting the emperor!AU… After all this time. I’m still into that kind of pain.

Let the darkness eat the light

“Somebody once told me that there’s two side to life

What’s yours

I might have accidentally let the darkness eat the light”

- Sing to Me by Missio

Between a shit ton of papers and my bachelor thesis I like to revisit this AU as a vent for stress and frustration… Eventhough it’s kinda sad. XD oh well… Guess the sheith emperor!AU will forever be my life…

“Wearing all my scars for you, to feel now,

Smoothing them over with your loving hands (…)

For you I am naked,

There’s nothing to hide inside the dark” - ‘Naked’ by Jaymes Young

Another redraw of a piece (or three actually) I made a while ago for my emperor-AU. Will I ever be able to let this AU go? ❤️ (spoiler:… No. I am not.)

Here’s the original from 2018
