#encrypted phones


Let me get this straight. So the director of one of the government agencies that frequently and illegally spy on Americans is very upset about the capability of new phones to block their spying? (Oh noes, what about the terrorists and child molesters? What about THE CHILDREN?) So the Powers That Be batter and bludgeon our civil rights, and then they get very, very upset when we take legal measures to protect them. Seems to me the responsibility lies with the alphabet agencies who illegally spied in the first place!

WASHINGTON — In his first major policy speech as director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey on Thursday plans to wade deeper into the debate between law enforcement agencies and technology companies about new programs intended to protect personal information on communication devices.

Mr. Comey will say that encryption technologies used on these devices, like the new iPhone, have become so sophisticated that crimes will go unsolved because law enforcement officers will not be able to get information from them, according to a senior F.B.I. official who provided a preview of the speech.

read morehttp://goo.gl/r7hq05
