#end of fyphysics


With a heavy heart we wish to say that FYPhysics! is coming to an end. This being its final post!

When we started this blog almost 5 years ago, we had only one thing in mind: Just explore physics for the love of it and blog about it. And from that starting point to now, it has been an absolutely breathtaking journey.

Now with over 130,000+ followers, it still seems magical that we were able to make it this big on this platform. But we have decided to end this grand project of ours.

Why end it now?

When you do something repeatedly for a really long time, you develop a bit of comfort zoneand when you get too comfortable with what you have, it’s very hard to make impactful work.

And for us, we seem to have gotten a little too comfortable with Tumblr as a platform that we noticed that we were not pushing the limits of what could be done in terms of content creation.This hit us really hard and  made us feel uncomfortable with our own content.

There are definitely other contributing reasons for why this turned out that way. But we believe that the best line of action that would keep us pushing harder would be to end this chapter in our lives and move forward to try other things.


But having said that, this single project has taught us innumerable valuable lessons that we are sure none of the other platforms would have been able to provide.

Plans for the future?

One immediate plan that we have is to wrap upISAFEHQ-  A Collection of 250 open source high quality scientific illustrations (current progress - 75 illustrations completed) which will be permanently hosted on CosmicNoon by June 2020. This will also collectively wrap up any unfinished series on FYPhysics!

But beyond that we are still unsure on how things would unfold. But you can send us an email at [email protected] or follow on twitter for updates.

The posts will continue to exist

There are currently no plans to do anything to the posts present on the blog. All posts will remain on the platform and will continue to be accessible to everyone.

Finally, Who are ‘we’?

My name is Keerthi Vasan G C and I am currently a graduate student in Physics at University of California, Davis. I am the primary editor of this blog. I have been constantly helped in this venture by a lot of my very close friends (who do not wish to be named) but contribute in many ways to the successful running of this blog .


Final Thoughts

The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking to keeping a diary: “ I don’t intend to publish. I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.” “Don’t you think that God knows the fact ?” - Bethe asked. “Yes” said Szilard. “He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts”

We are extremely happy to have been able to delight you with our version of the facts for all this while. It has been a great honor to have been part of this platform for so long and a big shoutout to @staff​ and @engineering​ for making this happen. Thank you to all our amazing followers for the loads of love and support. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.


** If you have any other questions feel free to post them below/ send them privately / email them to [email protected], we will surely answer them.

*** [July 2020] Defaulting to a new url - fyphysica.tumblr.com. Posts will still remain on the blog. 
