#ending au


Every story have an ending, one way or other.

As years before the Great War started, Jacob and Maxwell went into a mission together, still skillful despite their ages… but then a Templar mortally wounded Roth, and Jacob killed the Templar back. Desperate, Jacob takes Max out of the factory but he’s already dying. In his tears, Jacob knew there’s nothing he could do this time. Roth smiles, ask Jacob to be strong and continue, that he always loves him.

Then years pass until 1932. Jacob, already at a very old age, decides to watch a show in the Alhambra instead of staying at home and resting. He knew his end is near and he wants to be in the very place where he and the love of his life consummated their love. Enjoy the show, smiles at the applauses and the reviews of the show. Then retired to one of the resting rooms, covered in a blanket. Then waits. Until finally feel tears of happiness on his eyes as he recognize the figure of his beloved Maxwell, how he looked back in 1868, really to take him to eternity at his side.

“Come with me, my dear. Everyone’s waiting for you to come to paradise.”

(Thanks to @wickedbrony for the quote)
