





[Image description: Close up of Katy, who is wrapped in a dark green weighted blanket and smiling slightly at the camera]

Hi! Nice to meet you!

My name is Katy Morgan, and I’m an indie fantasy author, fiction editor, and proud weighted blanket owner.

My Camp NaNo project this year is the third book in a contemporary fantasy trilogy called the Compound Series, which is about a misanthropic empath and a corrupt organization that experiments on magical people. If you like conspiracies, snarky dialogue, and mlm romance, this one’s for you. (More info here.)


[Image description: Paperback copies of Dark Empathy and Fail-Safe lying next to each other on the same dark green blanket]

When I’m not writing or editing, I’m usually cross-stitching something sassy, daydreaming about hedgehogs, or drinking far too many mochas. Probably all at once. ☕

If you’re so inclined, please reblog and let me know what you’re working on, whether it’s for Camp NaNo or just in general. (I’ve been an epic failure at keeping up with the writeblr community lately, so I’m sure you’re all up to exciting new things!)

Hiya! I’m also kind of bad at keeping up with writeblr these days, but in my writeblr heyday I was working on a WIP about a dreamwalking ex-Chosen One who has to return to her childhood world and take a second shot at saving everyone. I think, this year, I’ll take a stab at NaNo, but it’s going to be very lowkey because I so happen to also be working on my midsemester exams.

Heyo! I have a bad recording of doing NaNo stuff lol, but this year for Camp NaNo I’m trying to complete a portion of my 2nd draft of my currently active WIP. It’s middle-grade series about a girl to find a key in her attic that can take her to other worlds. She encounters strange creatures, makes new friends, and goes on ~crazy~ adventures.

Keys! ️ I used to have a huge collection because there’s just something super magical and interesting about them (especially the Ye Olde Key kind). That sounds like a fantastic wip that my middle-grade self would’ve loved. (And lbr, my current self would love it as well.) I hope you make some great progress on it this month!
