
Harm Reduction Coalition is parting with Point Source Youth for the 3rd Annual National Symposium on

Harm Reduction Coalition is parting with Point Source Youth for the 3rd Annual National Symposium on Solutions to End Youth Homelessness.    

Standard Registration for the symposium ends THIS FRIDAY! 

Join PSY from June 17-19 in NYC! Programming includes conversations, panels, and workshops on Trans Rights and Housing, Host Homes and Rapid Re-Housing for Rural Communities, Inherited Trauma, Youth Organizing and Movement Building, Rapid Re-Housing in High Cost Markets, The Latest Data and Research on Youth Homelessness, Impacting Policy to Meet the Needs of Youth Experiencing Homelessness Under 18, a HUD Listening Session, and many more!

Follow this link to find conference details and learn more about Point Source Youth: https://bit.ly/2U9j0x7

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