#engwnt imagine


“i want to kiss you so badly”

idea from here (46), request from here

prompt: you and leah tease each other throughout the day resulting in a little fun being had while you are at an event

word count: 4.5k


a/n: if you are under 18 please do not interact and if you are over 18 read at your own discretion. also it is my first time actually writing smut so if it’s horrible i’m so sorry


Dating the captain of the England Lionesses isn’t the worst thing in the world, especially when you are invited to exclusive events that you probably would never have even known about otherwise. 

The event you are currently getting ready for is some football award ceremony. Leah has attempted to give you the full rundown on what the event is and who will be there but you honestly weren’t taking in any of the information she was providing. 

Instead of listening, you are too busy taking in the sight that is Leah getting ready, she is wearing a matching set of white lingerie which she has decided will be the only thing she will wear under her fitted tan suit. So really who could blame you for not listening when she is simultaneously talking and walking around in only her underwear. 

“Are you listening (Y/N)?” Leah asks with a knowing smirk. 

“Of course Leah” you respond with an eye roll.

“So what was I saying?” the smirk on her face only deepens as you look like a deer caught in headlights, very clearly having no clue what she could have been speaking about. 

“Okay” you sigh in defeat before continuing “I didn’t catch everything but you mentioned Alex” you respond, while you can’t recall a single thing she said, mentioning her best friend Alex Scott is always a safe bet as she is at every event that you attend and Leah will usually mention her about a hundred times before an event. 

“Good try but I was actually trying to ask you what shoes I should wear” she states, which makes you notice the two different shoes in her hands, something you had overlooked previously, too busy focusing on her body. 

“You just picked those up now to try and prove some dumb point” you retort, while you can’t be sure if your argument is true or not you are a stubborn and competitive person, not wanting to let Leah win. 

“I’ve actually been trying to ask you about them for the past few minutes but I’ll give you a pass” she makes her way over to where you are sitting on the hotel bed dropping the shoes in the process, “this time” she whispers sensually in your ear. 

You attempt to grab onto her waist wanting nothing more than to kiss her. You don’t get the opportunity though as she slips through your fingers, grabs her suit off the bed and makes her way to the bathroom causing you to fall back onto the bed with a frustrated groan. 

As you lay on the bed with your hands covering your face Leah peeks her head around the doorway of the bathroom. “Hey” she calls out in an attempt to gain your attention. 

You perk up, quickly sitting up on the bed in hopes that she will stop her teasing and at least let you give her a simple kiss. 

Instead she decides to be even more of a tease stating “if you are lucky you may get the opportunity to take my suit off me tonight”.

The statement causes you to groan even louder than the first time, again falling back onto the bed but this time your dramatics cause you to bounce off the bed and fall onto the floor, a loud thud sounding off throughout the hotel room. 

“You okay?” Leah calls from the bathroom. 

“Nooo” you whine, an obvious sign to Leah that you are more than fine and that you are just being dramatic. 


When the two of you are ready you head down to the hotel lobby, Leah informing you that the car is already here to pick you up.

You make your way into the car, the two of you comfortably sitting a seat apart, acting professional. It used to be a foreign concept to you, having to sit politely in the back of a fancy car but having been to many events with Leah since the two of you started dating you have grown used to the formal setting. You know that this is always the part where the two of you only make small talk instead of speaking too personally, not wanting to accidentally misspeak in front of a random driver. 

Leah leans over whispering in your ear “you look incredible baby”, while she does this she also strategically places a hand onto the centre of your exposed thigh. 

You made the mistake of wearing a mini dress on this specific occasion giving Leah easy access, something she clearly has plans to abuse throughout the evening. 

“Thank you” you speak politely, your words getting caught in your throat as the sexual tension grows. You attempt to move Leah’s hand off your thigh discreetly but the action is stopped by her gentle yet firm grip. You decide to instead ignore her hoping she will leave her hand where it is rather than deciding to tease you even more by moving it up your thigh. 

“So this event” you turn to Leah with a look of faux confidence, “what is it exactly?” 

“The Lionesses individual award ceremony for the Euro’s” she replies casually, looking ahead at the road rather than you, as she does she carefully inches her hand up your thigh a little more. 

“Uh-“ you cough loudly, trying to cover the moan that threatens to leave your lips as Leah squeezes your thigh. 

“Would you like some water ma’am? There is a bottle in the door, help yourself” the driver speaks politely, his eyes not leaving the road. 

You are silently thankful that he doesn’t turn around because if he did he would be met with the sight of Leah’s hand dangerously close to the hem of your dress and your flushed red cheeks, which would be a dead give away as to what is occurring. 

“Thank you” you manage to squeak out, as Leah’s hand still grips your thigh. 

Your continued attempts to ignore Leah’s roaming hand go unsuccessful as she continues to move her hand further up your thigh, clearing playing a one sided game of ‘red light, green light’ which you want no part of in the setting the two of you are currently in. 

Once Leah reaches the band of your panties you know you can no longer just sit still and attempt to ignore her. 

“You need to stop Leah” you whisper in her ear in a firm tone although Leah knows that you are all talk. She is well aware that you are secretly loving her hand see close to your pussy, especially with all the teasing you endured earlier in the day. 

“Or what?” she challenges, beginning to lift the band of your panties expertly proving she knows her way around your body. 

“Ladies we have arrived” the driver interrupts causing Leah’s hand to immediately leave, you have to hold back a whine, obviously enjoying the warmth that Leah’s hand was providing even though you were pretending that you weren’t. 

“Thank you so much sir, have a good evening” Leah speaks, reaching over you in order to open the car door, moving herself closer to you and discreetly grabbing your ass with her other hand in the process. The action almost causes you to fall while getting out of the car, having not expected it. You are held steady though by Leah’s same hand moving up to your waist holding you still as she herself gets out of the car not releasing her grasp on you. 


As Leah makes her way around speaking with people who are likely very important in her world, you are stuck as her arm piece for the evening. You politely smile at everyone who introduces themselves to your girlfriend and yourself, shaking hands and introducing yourself but past that point you are just there to look pretty. 

You attempt to actively listen to the conversation that some older gentlemen is having with Leah, not wanting to come across as disrespectful at one of her events. Clearly Leah has other plans though as her hand moves from where it was securely sat on your waist, down to squeeze your ass, just as she had done when you were leaving the car earlier. You again cough loudly to cover the inevitable moan that would escape your lips if you hadn’t. 

Both Leah and the gentleman look at you funny while you apologise profusely, at the same time though Leah’s hand continues to rest far lower than it should. 

The idea of anyone behind the two of you being able to so clearly see the inappropriate action makes your mind race. You had been to events with Leah before and she had never acted in this manner at a professional event. This sort of public teasing was common between the two of you on date nights or even nights out with friends but this type of situation is completely different to those and the fact that what she is doing is wildly inappropriate in the current setting sends a shiver down your spine.

Leah finishes her conversation with the man and you are silently thankful that you now have the opportunity to be alone with her for a minute, willing yourself to reprimand her for her actions. 

“You seriously need to stop Leah, I don’t think you understand how you are making me feel right now” you whisper subtly in her ear not wanting anyone else to have the opportunity to hear what you are saying. 

“Oh no (Y/N), I understand exactly how I am making you feel” she responds in a calm voice, not bothering to whisper back, clearly not caring if anyone hears her, “I’m not going to stop though” 

“Leah!” you hear a voice call out to your girlfriend from across the room. 

“Alex!” she leaves you in your spot, quickly making her way over to her best friend. 

You slowly make your way over to the two of them, more so preferring to keep a little distance between yourself and Leah with how she is acting at the moment. 

Once you reach them Alex holds her arms out clearly waiting for you to hug her. 

“I saw Miss Williamson’s antics back there” the statement causes you to groan knowing that if Alex had seen it that others likely would have as well. 

“She won’t stop” you reply with an eye roll, the action causing Alex to laugh. 

“I assume that she is holding herself back slightly, you look incredible and based off the texts she has sent me it’s a miracle you two are even here right now” Alex informs you, more than insinuating that the way you are currently dressed is making Leah feel the same way she has been making you feel all evening, in simple words, hot and bothered. 

“That’s good to know actually” you slightly smirk at Alex, silently plotting to tease Leah in much the same way she has been doing to you all day. 

“Okay that’s enough” Leah grabs your arm, pulling you into her embrace and out of Alex’s, she holds onto your waist tightly as she starts up a new conversation with Alex, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 

As Leah looks away for a moment Alex sends you what can only be described as an ‘I told you so’ look, you send a small wink back. You actions cause Alex to shake her head knowing exactly what could happen when yourself and Leah tease each other in this way.


Sitting for the dinner and award portion of the evening you are sitting with a few of Leah’s close friends and teammates, the setting much more comfortable in comparison to the prior mingling that occurred. This is also the time where you are going to set your plan in motion, hoping to tease Leah the same way she had been teasing you. 

You lean across Leah’s body, beginning a conversation with Keira who is sitting next to her. You rest your arm on the table, your position ensuring that Leah is met with the vision of your chest right in front of her whenever she looks down. 

There is not much that Leah is able to do in the moment besides force herself not to obviously stare at your chest even though that is all she wants to do, the positioning making your boobs look absolutely amazing. 

In order to stop her dirty thoughts from progressing further Leah leans back as far as she can in her chair, crossing her arms over her own chest, subtly appreciating the view without having to crane her head downwards to look. 

Leah’s small repositioning allows you the perfect opportunity to tease her even more, you lean over her seat even more, placing your hand towards the top of her thigh, your hand sitting directly between her legs. After a few moments she realises that you have no plan on moving your hand as you use it as a support for you to be able to sit up properly, having moved your arm off the table somewhere in the process. 

Your conversation with Keira continues while Leah finds herself in her own conversation with Ellie who is sat on the other side of you. 

“Do you two want to switch seats? I’m sure it would be much more comfortable than this predicament” you hear Ellie ask Leah, you do not outwardly react instead you squeeze Leah’s thigh, a small indication that she should reject Ellie’s idea. 

“I think we’re fine like this, right baby?” Leah taps your shoulder gently, involving you in her conversation. 

Your hand is still firmly placed between Leah’s thighs when you turn around to answer Ellie with a sweet smile, “yeah, we’re all good”, while it comes across to others that you are answering to Leah in this moment the two of you know that this is not the truth. In reality your actions signify to Leah that you are the one in charge currently, not her. You are well aware that the faux display of dominance will cause you some trouble later in the evening but rather than feel worried you are extremely excited about the possibilities of what is to come. 


The time comes for the actual award ceremony, this causes you to stop your teasing knowing just how seriously Leah takes her profession and with her being the captain of the squad there is more than likely a few professional duties she will be required to partake in throughout the evening. 

As the ceremony goes on you pay little attention to what is going on, your attention focused solely on how incredible Leah looks in her suit. 

Towards the end though Leah is called up to present the Euro’s trophy to the room of investors and other important figures, which you piece together was likely the main reason for the event. 

“I would like to start off by thanking everyone for being here tonight, without the support of everyone in this room there is no way that we would have been able to bring home the trophy” Leah begins her speech. 

“Being able to lead my team, my country during this tournament was such an honour and I think just about anyone here would be able to tell you how thankful I am for it seeing as I don’t shut up about how much this means to me” you chuckle at her sentiment, well aware that she is completely right. 

“This isn’t just my doing though, it is only due to the hard work, dedication and passion of the entire team that I have to opportunity to be up here, presenting this trophy to you all currently, so to all my teammates, thank you and congratulations, this is for all of us” Leah finishes, lifting the trophy that hand been brought on to the stage to be presented, the action causes a flutter of pride, mirroring the way you felt when she was doing the same thing just a few weeks prior on the field after winning the Euros in front of a sold out crowd. 


The evening continues as a party for the players with all the official business people and sponsor representatives leaving just making it the players and their invitees to celebrate their win with a little dancing and a lot of alcohol. 

Leah may have assumed that your teasing earlier was all that you had planned, especially as that alone was doing enough to make her almost go crazy. But with a few drinks in your system and all your shame essentially gone you put the second part of your plan to tease her into action. 

While Leah and Keira sit together seemingly deep in conversation you grab Lucy’s hand, urging her to dance with you. She hesitates slightly before you send her a pouty look which makes her give in immediately. Your pouty face is unmatched and according to basically everyone it could allow you to get away with murder so getting someone to dance while using it is a relatively easy feat.

The dancing starts off as a little bit of fun, the two of you just jumping around to the music not actually trying to dance, moreso just jumping around. But the third time you catch Leah stealing glances in your direction you know it is time to set the next part of your plan into motion. 

You grab Lucy’s hands pulling them towards your waist as you push your behind into the front of her body, you know exactly what you are doing. Lucy is a relatively safe person for you to interact with in a more intimate manner due to the countless times you and Leah have spent time with her and her girlfriend Keira. But you are also well aware of the fact that by this point in the night Leah is likely close enough to her breaking point that your actions will cause her to snap, giving you exactly what you have been waiting for all day. 

It isn’t long before you feel like you are being stared at, you immediately look towards where Leah and Keira are sitting and just as you had expected Leah is already looking at you, a hint of anger across her face but her eyes are what you focus on, knowing the look of frustration and sexual desire that only you can bring out of her. 

You raise your eyebrows slightly, silently urging her to do something about the situation as it is clear that you have no plans on stopping your less than family friendly dancing with Lucy unless you are forced to. 

Leah takes on the challenge, rising from her seat and making her way over to you, the entire time your eyes don’t dare leave hers. She reaches you and Lucy, and this is the first time that her vision is not focused on you, she looks at Lucy giving her a look that more-or-less informs her ‘if you don’t let go of my girlfriend right now i will kill you’. Lucy immediately backs off, chuckling at the ridiculousness that is you and Leah teasing each other as she makes her way over to where Leah was sitting mere minutes ago, taking the opportunity to actually spend some time with her own girlfriend. 

“You shouldn’t have done that” Leah whispers in your ear. 

As she pulls away and makes eye contact with you once more, a small smirk tugs at your lips. You lean in to her this time, whispering back “Why’s that?” knowing exactly is to come. 

“You have been driving me crazy all night (Y/N), I don’t appreciate it and i want to kiss you so badly but there are too many people here,follow me” she speaks calmly, not looking back as she walks anyway knowing very well that you are following behind her like a lost puppy. 


The two of you make it to the bathrooms of the venue and only as Leah opens the door does she look at you again, she holds the door open watching you intently as you make your way past her. You feel a shiver go down your spine as her pupils seemingly bore into your soul. 

For a moment you regret all the teasing you subjected her to but any regret immediately dissipates as she gently grabs your cheek. The smirk that she sends your way almost makes you melt as anticipation rises, making the simple touch to your cheek feel a thousand times more impactful than she probably even realises. 

She moves the hand that is currently resting on your cheek, grabbing your face in one hand and pulling you forward to meet her lips. She roughly kisses you for a few seconds before roughly letting go of your face, grasping your waist tightly with both hands. 

“You have fun?” she asks, raising one eyebrow, while there is no context to the question you are well aware that she is asking about the way you teased her throughout the evening. 

“Indeed, did you?” you continue to push your limits. 

“I think what is about to happen will be a lot more fun” she answers, moving one of her hands under your dress, the other still holding tightly onto your waist. 

“You’re really wet baby” she states, as her hand rests on the outside of your panties, the comment making you moan loudly.

She clearly plans on taking her time with every single action, knowing that your ploy of the evening has been for her to hurry up and fuck you, but what fun would it be if she gave in to your teasing so easily. 

“Someone could walk in” you state, looking towards the door knowing that there is no way that this situation doesn’t end with one of Leah’s teammates walking into the bathroom while she is in the middle of fucking you. 

“And?” she doesn’t even flinch, focusing on her task at hand. She moves her hand away from you, catching the small whine that escapes your lips as she does it. Almost as fast as her hand is gone she has moved it back, this time into your panties, her cold hand making it’s way down to your pussy you shiver at the contrast to your warmth. 

Before you can formulate a coherent response that explains why someone walking in on her fucking you at a professional obligation of hers is a bad look for her and yourself, she presses her thumb to your clit making you moan loudly again at the first real contact she has made with you all day. 

“So are you still worried about someone walking in?” she asks, rubbing her thumb in a circular motion. You silently shake your head, not trusting yourself to be able to answer her without falling apart in front of her. 

“What was that?” she asks, stopping her movements, holding her thumb still on your clit once more, looking directly into your eyes, waiting for you to verbally answer her before she continues. 

“No” you breathe out, hoping it is enough for her to continue, she doesn’t though, leaving you subtly moving your hips in an attempt to get off on the tiny amount of friction that your action is generating. 

Noticing what you are doing Leah takes her hand out of your panties, a small chuckling from her lips. “If you are going to act like you can handle the game you have to at least be able to answer properly baby, you want to try again?” 

“No, I’m not worried about someone walking in” you focus on your breathing, getting through the sentence seems like a real struggle in your current state. 

“That’s better” she responds, moving her hand back to the band of your panties, her hand playing with them rather than making its way back inside. 

You look at her desperately, your face conveying that fact that you need her to fuck her right now as clearly there is no way that you would be able to convey that message using words. 

“Aww baby, what happened to the cockiness that you had on full display earlier?” Leah asks sarcastically, the two of you both knowing that the second it came to sex your facade would fall and Leah would be left in charge as she always is. 

You don’t get the chance to answer as she moves her hand into your panties shoving two fingers into your pussy, the action causing your breath to hitch. You hadn’t expected her to even actually fuck you here, more expecting her to just tease you and poteitnally leave you desprately waiting until you got back to your hotel. 

She continues to thrust her fingers into you, watching as you struggle slightly, constant moans escaping your lips as the pleasure takes over. 

Once you fall into a steady rhythm, Leah begins lightly kissing you neck, the feathery touches mixed with the roughness of her pumping into you is an intoxicating combination that has you extremely close to your orgasm. 

As you are becoming increasingly close to cumming you hear a commotion just outside of the bathroom,  the sound of a bunch of laughter coming from the hallway that separates the bathroom from the function room that the event is being held in. 

“I guess we should have been worried about my teammates catching us” Leah states in a scarily calm tone. She takes her hand out of your panties again, smirking at the whine the escapes as she does and the slight wobble of your legs, the feeling of no longer being full so suddenly causing your legs to almost give out. Leah holds you steady, guiding you into a stall, locking it behind you. 

“You need to be quiet, okay? You don’t want anyone to find out right?” she asks, covering your mouth with one hand and getting straight back to work with the other. Your moans are muffled by Leah’s hand which you are extremely thankful for as the laughing group of players tumble into the bathroom. 

Leah continues to thrust her fingers into you, clearly not worried about who is on the other side of the door. She goes back to your neck, although this time instead of light kisses she makes quick work of sucking harshly at your most sensitive spot where your jawline meets your neck easily forming a dark red hickey.

The thrill of the situation and Leah harshly fucking you, along with you alreadying being so close to orgasming before means that it does not take you long to be close again. You close your eyes tightly, your moans dwindling as all your energy is now focused on that inevitable orgasm you feel coming. 

Just as you are about to finish Leah pulls her hand out of your panties once more, leaving you looking absolutely desperate for any kind of physical attention so you can finish. 

Leah licks your cum off her fingers sensually, while staring straight at you. 

“Think really hard before playing these games with me next time baby” she speaks at a low volume even though the group of rowdy players already left between when you were almost cumming and her speaking to you. 

She quickly pecks your lips, turning around to unlock the door, making her way over to wash her hands, leaving you still in the bathroom stall in shock.
