

I feel like you should all know that the amazing @librarianinresidence made an Invisible Library-themed escape game for her Zoom gift exchange with me and @enigma731 last night, complete with letters between characters, book ciphers, and references to all the source material.

It was tons of fun and she’s the absolute best!



I would just like to say that the whole concept of dragons hoarding people they care about is *chef’s kiss*

What makes this even better, to me, is that a major distinction between Kai and the other dragons we’ve met is that he’s able to do this while still not reducing those around him to objects.That’s the reason the possessiveness is attractive in him.

Myself and the rest of my weekly Zoom game night: *decide to play an online escape room*

Intro video: *sets up scenario as an art heist*

@enigma731 and I, fresh from reading “The Secret Chapter”: Oh, no. ALL TEH FEELS!

(A short while later)

Me: *GASP*. @enigma731! This dossier says the thief we’re after follows a predictable pattern of behavior, where he’s showy to the point of making mistakes so that people know he’s behind all his thefts.

@enigma731: So…he’s a Fae….Omg, he’s FELIX!

(In other news, we’re quickly approaching the point of obsession with “The Invisible Library” series.)

*to the tune of “Everything is Awesome” from The Lego Movie(s)*

Everything is dragonsssss;

Everything is cool if you’re not not with the Fae!

Everything is dragonsssss;

When you’re Kai and his Bae.

(inspired by a 3 AM book-binge fueled conversation between @enigma731and@kristinadavidovna)

Drive faster; I’m annoyed!

@enigma731, Mood 2020

Tfw you talk about your person’s birds so often that your work Secret Santa gives you a bird toy with a note that says “I hope you and your birds enjoy this!”


Dear members of the selection committee:

In lieu of statements of research interests and teaching philosophy, please accept these pictures of an absolute menace, whose insistence on attention and head scritches prevented me from completing said documents.


@queenofthepuddingbrains, Ph.D.

Kev says “Don’t worry about Sunny, other-Mom. I’ll help you with your statements!”
