#enjolras and courfeyrac


Extras to PART 2 OF ENJOLRAS AND AMIS FRIENDSHIP -Combeferre and Enjolras

These are the pics that are in the background, not necessarily Enj and combeferre bc it’s the triumvirate apartment

I had to post them separately bc I used way to much time on them to only have them miniature and pixelated in the background lol

Pic one is a selfie by Courfeyrac with Enj and Combeferre in the background

Pic 2 in their living room is courf kissing Ferres cheek while I’m his lap, Enjolras is stretching in the background, most definitely taken at 3 am

Pic 3 is Enjolras trying to escape Courfeyrac who’s chasing him/jumping throwing a snow ball at him

Pic 4 is a graduation picture of triumvirate, (no idea how graduating is in France so I just gave them typical American ones even though I’m not American either, it’s just what you typically see in movies lmao)

I’ve started a mini project where I’m gonna draw Enjolras with each of his friends bc he deserves to be portrayed having fun with his friends

SO HERES THE FIRST DRAWING; I started with Courfeyrac bc I mean they already best friends so why not, so Enj pushing Courf in a shopping cart as Courf enthusiastically points at lucky charms
