#enough to belittle grace




Do you think you could do a meta of the difference’s between tommy’s romantic relationships? Mainly between Grace, May, and Lizzie. Especially G and L. I see so many people say he’s starting to fall for L (saying she was his property and hand holding this season). 

OK, l don’t know if you’re new to this fandom , if you are l want you to know that 95% of the fandom is anti grace shelby which means that the fandom will only give you a distorted and very partial view of grace and lizzie !!

The FANDOM would have you believe that tommy wasn’t in love with grace, that tommy loves the idea of grace not grace, that tommy has been in love with lizzie for years but he just didn’t want to admit it because she wasn’t from a higher social class, they would have you believe that grace didn’t love tommy but his money….that grace and tommy had nothing in common when they were basically the same person but  in different sides of the law(l could point out all their similarities here but not the topic) .The fandom as a whole hate that woman so  take anything people say with a large pinch of salt lol.

Quick summary:  

The fisrt season is set in 1919 and season 5 is set in 1929 which means that lizzie has known tommy for at least 12 years (She was in tommy’s life before  grace we know this because tommy mentioned it in their first scene and she’s still in his life years after grace’s death).

Lizzie has known tommy for 12years… 12 years during which they had an off and on no strings attached sex. Tommy used her sevice when there was no woman in his life and stopped using it when he was with grace and maybe may .

For tommy it was just sex but lizzie wanted it to be more than  what it was.

We saw it in 2x01  when she asked to be treated like a woman with whom he had a relationship with  instead of a prostitute

“ l wish just once you wouldn’t PAY ME  .”

“As if we were ordinary people” but tommy brushed her off.

We saw it in 2x06 when she was excited he was taking her to the derby and she  proudly showed off her dress ,  lizzie “what do you think”  tommy  “about what”  lizzie “about the dress”  his answer to her was  “ undo two buttons”.

We saw it when she tells him “there’s been no hardship (giving up prostitution) you know why?“....she was probably going to mention her feelings for him but he ignored her again….Because she agreed to do what was asked of her, tommy offered her money

”l’d like to pay you an extra five–”.

So….why did I bother quickly re-capping up to this point?

Because that summary…the scenes l mentioned are  not lizzie’ and tommy’s marriage origin story but their whole story.

 l’m going to point out a few of the differences between tommy x grace and tommy x lizzie pairing  and similar moments with dramatically different outcomes since that’s what we are here for:

-Tommy and lizzie had sex with no emotional connection and without  knowing each other personnally  for years /  when tommy and grace spent a year getting to know each other and only slept together when they were already in love .

-The child that lizzie and tommy had together was conceived while he was  “fucking someone else in his head”/trying to reconnect with his past /   when the child that tommy and grace had together was conceived when tommy was trying to reconnect with grace a woman he loved and failed to get out of his system.

-When grace was with kimber tommy was in the car the entire time, and couldn’t stop thinking about her /  when lizzie was with the soldier she was supposed to seduce to help tommy, tommy was with campbell talking about grace and her feelings for him.

-Lizzie’ pregnancy reveal

Tommy loves children and having another child was a good news…. to lizzie it was also a chance to  establish an emotional connection with tommy something she’s failed to do for years .

Tommy“l got three. lizzie”

Lizzie“l know tom”

Tommy“one of them point blank

Lizzie with tommys’ hand in hers and a tender smile on her face “A baby a little you and me.”

Tommy doesn’t react to what she just said, he breaks the eyes contact and then repeats “point blank lizzie” .You could see the smiles gradually disapearing from her face. She was trying to connect with him but he wasn’t listening to her , and all he wanted to think or talk about was luca changretta and his men .

Tommy added “and he looked up to me”  then said “fuck” . He drank his wisky and ended up the conversation by saying

” you will get an allowance every week from the company business is booming l will buy you a nice house , eh . “

Once again he offered her MONEY, when all she wanted was to share a special moment with him, she wanted him to share her excitement….that news could’ve been the beginning of something beautiful between them but it didn’t work because he still didn’t reciprocates her feelings.

-Grace’ pregnancy reveal

Grace with her tenderest, most loving expression on  “Because the thing is , I love you , not him ”

Tommy still shaken to the core by the baby news can’t stop looking at her in wonder. In his  softest  voice  he answered “that is a thing”

Grace  “a baby thomas”   tommy’s eyes went downward to her baby bump while saying “yes”. They stared at each other  for a few second without saying anything…  She loves him, they are having a baby and  she LOVES him…and she chose him…tommy put his affairs in order  because he thought he was going to die. He was prepared to die and  was at peace with the idea of his death . But now he’s not because a life with a person he’s been moping over for years is suddenly possible but he’s going to die. That pregnancy reveal was a very bittersweet moment for tommy.

All the scenes mentioned above prove one thing that tommy was emotionally invested in grace and  emotionally close to her SHE WAS HIS HAPPY PLACE….that’s why her presence calmed him. They were so emotionally connected that she was able to silence his demons ,he stopped hearing the shovels when he was with her…


Silencing tommy’s demons is something lizzie’s presence was never able to do and is stil not able to do, we saw it in season 5.  Grace’s death is tommy’s after war trauma 2.0 and he’s till struggling dealing with that trauma 6 years after grace’s death…6 YEARS AFTER HER DEATH . The only times lizzie comes close to what grace was able to do  is when they are having sex,

“lizzie l want it known that money was for you.

Because SOME nights it was you who stopped my heart from breaking” .  (SEX….Sex…having sex with two women just after he burned grace’s letter stopped his heart from breaking, sex with tatiana stopped his heart from breaking , sex with lizzie just after grace’s death…SEX… It’s less about love for tommy but more about having a woman’s presence by his side to avoid his thoughts and the unbearable pain in his heart that won’t leave him…SEX….SEX IS HIS COPING MECHANISM  and what he said to lizzie before giving her his money confirms it).

Grace was  the only woman tommy ever loved (maybe with the exception of greta but it  wasn’t the same). He contemplated walking away from everything for her,

 HE COMTEMPLATED WALKING AWAY FROM EVERYTHING FOR  HEEER , knowing she had been undercover and sent to destroy him.  And she’s also  the only woman he ever envisioned his life with . The idea of her waiting at home for him made him so happy…  tommy “Now is this how you’re going to be?  You waiting at home for me, saying, ‘What time do you call this?‘” The smile on his face was the perfect illustration of pure happiness.

Lizzie is a good hearted woman but her and tommy have a very few things in common . She is a bit ( for a lack of a better word l would say) peevish when tommy is calm , calculated ,manipulative ….The only similarities between the two is the place in which they were raised and the fact that they  are both on the “wrong” side of the law.

She’s  the mother of tommy’s child and a loyal member of his clan. Lizzie was/is submissive and that’s one of the reasons tommy trusts her .  I honestly think tommy cares for lizzie but he doesn’t  love  her and he only married her for image purposes.

I’m not sure that there has been any point in the show where we’re meant to believe that tommy  is falling for lizzie… ( l mean  you just don’t wake up one morning and realize that you’re in love with the woman you have been having no strings attached sex with for the past 12 years  nope …it’s not realistic because love doesn’t work that way  and because it’s not in tommy’s character)  

…during  season 5 we had quote like:

“Well you know in my head l still PAY YOU FOR IT!! “

“You said, in your head, you STILL PAY FOR IT. So I’ve decided to continue to take the PAYMENT and balance my heart against my head, as though it were a book of accounts.”

“When was the last time you had worry about shillings”

“The deal is you belong to me. My property, No one touches my property, everything is mine lizzie. Evrything.”

“Lay your claim

Those quotes speak volumes!! during their conversations they were talking about money, MONEY, money again,

ownership and MONEY

they talked about money in season 1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5… they are always talking about money, it’s  not love but

a financial transaction.

The phrase “lay your claim” was used for tommy and lizzie’ dynamic , that phrase  relates to things not people. The use of that specific line reinforces the narrative established in this and the previous seasons, that Lizzie is someone he bought, his property, something he owns…it’s not love , it’s all about tommy’s ego, his love of power  and his needs to control eveything and everyone.

People have misinterpreted their scenes. There is definitely a shift in their dynamic  but not in the way people think . Lizzie has come to terms with the fact that tommy will never love her nor treat her like a wife should.

Tommy and lizzie have a whole deal in place where lizzie will stay and enjoy the perks of being Mrs Shelby and tommy can  be with other women under certain conditions. Their marriage is somewhere between convenience and companionship.


May and tommy are too very attractive people, who were attracted to each other. Tommy  respected her but was never in love with her. He loved her  influence-her connections in the racing world,  her social status and the opportunities that came along with it. May wasn’t in love with tommy either. She was fascinated by tommy’s violent, criminal world . She loved his ganster persona, his power- the fact that he was feared and respected  “When I drove into Small Heath I thought I was going to be murdered,” she told him. “Then I mentioned your name. It was like being escorted to see a king” …She loved the idea of tommy shelby but wouldn’t have loved  the man…the broken tommy, the violent tommy, the emotional tommy . She glamorized tommy’s life but she didn’t know the half of it. The thruth is may would have hated it… not everyone can live in constant fear and  not everyone is made for that life .

l believe he could’ve loved her but it would never have worked because they were from two different worlds.

Steven knight depicted / depicts 3 types of relationships that’s why the 3 ladies have different perspectives of tommy ( love , business and sex)

may believed that tommy would’ve picked her over grace because he was all about business. grace knew that tommy was all about love when it came to her and lizzie knew/knows that it was/is just sex and nothing else.

Love aside, lizzie is the perfect partner for tommy’s illegal activities she knows the peaky world,  may is an aristocratic which makes her the perfect partner for tommy’s legal activies and his career in politics. Grace was the mix of both…she was an agent  to the crown who thrives in tommy world. She knew politics and could’ve  deal with them and  she also knew the peaky blinders’ world and couldn’ve deal with gangsters if needed. SHE WAS THE PERFECT MATCH FOR TOMMY.
