
Fanart for @lechiappedizeus by DelacroixAn Italian webcomic that is currently having an eppela campa

Fanart for @lechiappedizeus by Delacroix
An Italian webcomic that is currently having an eppela campaign (It’s an Italian Kickstarter)

Go throw money at him and maybe read his comic?
It’s fun if you love Greek mythology and wanna learn some Italian. I think it’s also in english tho.

The joke is that here in Italy we usually say that if someone gets cheated on horns grow on his/her/their head.
In Naples we have a say that states: “If Taralli would rain from the sky, none of them would touch the ground.“

That’s because they’d fall on their “horns”.
And we know how faithful Zeus was am I right? 

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