#era sunny side


180901`ㅂ´the shining - special partymember talk board


180902`ㅂ´the shining - special party day 2

Key asked us to wave according to his directions. He said just as he does what we want, we also do what he wants.

Minho: What do you guys want??? AEGYO!!!!!! You want to see it right?!

Key: This kind of thing is not difficult for me

Onew: (talking about Key’s new program) For Chungdam Chik… chicken.. I mean Kitchen! I have loved chicken for 30 years.

Kibum was expressing MOVE with his hand cross over and up high (u got got the rhythm part)

Taemin, insert his head into the space between Kibum’s arm and his face, BEING VERY VERY NEAR.

Kibum looked away with a half trying-not-to-laugh and half troubled expression.

Kibum had the paper airplane stuffed into his suit pocket(on the chest) & got a perfect one shot at his turn for the ending ment. While he was talking… the other 3 were busy helping each other stuff their paper airplane into their pocket too.


Kibum asked everyone to not use Twitter tonight, sleep first. Do twitter tomorrow.

They are playing games while blindfolded. Taemin is very naughty!!!! Tickling Onew’s armpit and sticking his fingers in Key’s nostrils. Now he stuck his finger into Key’s ear. Now he is openly grabbing Minho’s butt and Minho has turned red.

Minho: WHY DO YOU KEEP TOUCHING MY BUTT?!!!! His hands even went into my clothes! Look at this guys (shows us his shirt has been untucked)

Now it is Taemin’s turn to be touched - Minho just went straight for his butt and put his hands into Taemin’s clothes to touch all over his tummy.


180901`ㅂ´the shining - special party

member talk board


Ming -> Key: 1991 (he scratched 12 out) 9.23

Key -> Onew: During the first telling the Legend of Dangun. (In short, since the beginning of time, Key added “he arrived riding on a cloud”)

most used app

Ming -> Key: Instagram

Key -> Onew: He still uses 2G

clothing style:

Ming -> Key: Something that’s joyful(?)

Key -> Onew: modernized hanbok

activity when Sad or Angry:

Minho -> Key: Shouts loudly while playing PUBG

Key’s answers about Onew are just full of Onew being old

most ordered drink in cafe:

Ming -> Key: Iced americano or the popular ones in Instagram

Key -> Onew: Corn silk tea

eating habit:

Minho -> Key: Putting food to his mouth while watching a video on his iPad…. (that’s all the translator can read)

Key -> Onew: Courtladies have to taste it first (cos olden times)

seating position when watching movies in cinemas:

Ming -> Key: Doesn’t go to cinemas, just watches at home.

Key -> Onew: Seat E13


scan`ㅂ´the shining - special party



the shining - special party’s special gift and Minho introducing Key and Key’s introduction to Onew

A post shared by SHINee KEY (@bumkeyk)on




180901`ㅂ´the shining - special party

©keysmile[do notedit]

180901`ㅂ´the shining - special party

©savior[do notedit]

180901`ㅂ´the shining - special party

©miracle[do notedit]
