

Spy is back with his notapple pie in a very important Cooking Competition, with no less than HEAVY ETCHEBEST (loule) as his jury! Will he manage to defend his Pie?

This is my entry for Erdamon’s TV Collab 2!

It was made closely during the same period as That Spy is a Shef, for them to be twinswith a running gag around that Banana Pie.

Now, trivia for our non-french watchers here!

Philippe Etchebest is a great french Chef who happened to do the french version of Kitchen Nightmares originally hosted by Gordon Ramsay. He’s basically Ramsay’s french alter ego, with all the caustic remarks it involves; except… you don’t dare to contest or annoy Philippe. Philippe is a mountain of a man, a rugbyman, a spartian, a litteral Heavy Weapons Guy!

So of course, all the voice lines you can hear here are picked from Philippe’s, either in Top Chef, either in Cauchemar en Cuisine. I suggest you turn the subtitles on if you’re not at ease with french!;)
