
I know so many fellas who want to use Viagra or Cialis with Me.  I don’t really see why, because the

I know so many fellas who want to use Viagra or Cialis with Me.  I don’t really see why, because they’re not likely to be given the chance to use their penis as a penetrating tool, honestly.  But this sounds fun…

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I took this photo for my brother who I have fucked for years. The cum on my crotch belongs to my son

I took this photo for my brother who I have fucked for years. The cum on my crotch belongs to my son.

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Last night on the train home, I gave Reaction Junkie my phone so he could read some posts that I’d written about him. I love watching him read the things I’ve said. He chuckles in a lovely and, to my ears, threatening way. When he got to the post where I wrote about him choking me at a play party, he laughed that laugh most of the way through, which made me squirm with arousal and embarrassment. He especially enjoyed the last line, “He decides whether I live or die.”

When we got up to get off the train, he handed my phone back to me and said, “Well, now my dick’s hard.” I squeed and bounced up and down, clapping my hands in delight. One of my favorite things in the world is having something I’ve written turn a partner on like that. When I told him that, he replied that he always gets hard when he reads what I’ve written about him. I’m super pleased that he enjoys what I have to say and that he shared that fact with me. He’s the tops.

Something I told MLAM resulted in him standing in the mall with a visible erection. I’m happy about that on so many different levels.

Have A Happy Horny Nude New Year!

#male bonding    #new years    #erections    
Gingerbread Men with to much frosting.

Gingerbread Men with to much frosting.

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Sexy Gym Sauna Erections.Sexy Gym Sauna Erections.

Sexy Gym Sauna Erections.

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