#eric coulter x malereader



Reader Gender:Male


Pairing: Eric x Reader

Warnings: fear landscape, angst and violence, talk about the difficult childhood of the reader that might be uncomfortable for some readers, oh yea and smut ;)

Word Count: 4.024

[All Parts here]

A/N:  A new part? In 2022? More likely than you think! Some of you might have noticed that I have rewritten all previous parts, adding a few thousand words of content in sum. So if you have read the first 6 parts at one point in the past, you might want to revisit them ;) anyways, here have part 7! insane to think that i started this story 6 years ago, but here we are.


The first thing you did after you had left the room with the machine behind, after your first successful run through the fear landscape, was to look for Ven. You could not wait to tell her about your experience, how you had managed to overcome your fears, how you had made it thanks to her. Without your friend, this would not have been possible, you knew that well enough.

It was a very new feeling for you.. having friends. Having people around you that helped you when you needed them, that you could rely on and that supported you. People with whom you could actually talk about personal stuff, and what was going on inside of you. You had closed yourself off to everyone back in Erudite, only the therapist that your parents made you talk to had known some of the things that were going on inside your mind. But she.. well, in your opinion she had never really truly understood your feelings, how you felt trapped and angry, like a caged animal. How you felt detached from everyone around you.

Now, on the other hand, here in Dauntless, you didn’t feel like the outsider anymore. You felt understood, even if Ven, Orion, Calder and even Eric did not share the same experiences as you. Still, it was like you were the same, you had gone through similar enough things to understand each other.

Keep reading
