#eric oneshots


smile for only me


✁ pairing: model!eric x model!g.n reader

✁ genre: semi-secret relationship au, model au, fluff, semi-angst warnings:none | rating:pg-13

✁ wc: 1614

✁ plot: in the fashion and modeling world, there’s never enough time to just be yourself, until it’s behind closed doors. however, for both you and your idiot secret boyfriend, things aren’t surprisingly different in terms of your dynamics.

✁ a/n: to brighten up from my last eric post months ago,,, i decided to finish up my slot for eric as well for @nayuyeons​​​’s la haute couture collab!! i saw the boyz on friday and was super proud after watching them after waiting for so long, and i realized at the end that i missed all of them and eric extra since he isn’t able to come, but am so proud of all of them for how far they’ve worked!! anyways i hope you guys like this oneshot!!

the boyz masterlist|main navi

✁ [ gina is listening to:
blue orangeade - txt ]

“Y/N! You’re due for makeup in fifteen for the next set.”

A hum goes past your lips as you had just finished up one of your biggest photoshoots of the year; a collaboration with one of the biggest brands that you were working with. As you’re scrolling through your for you page out of boredom, there’s a message or two that pops up at the top of your page that makes a smile, making you forget about all of the nerves and anxiety that were piling up on your chest and you could’ve sworn that if anyone were to see you now, they’d think that you were lovesick. 

You’re going to look amazing as always. 

Are we still down for dinner tonight, at the river?

You could’ve sworn that there were little giggles that escaped your lips as you typed back a response to your boyfriend, who was only a few doors down from where you were now in your dressing room. It was hard to even hide your relationship in the eyes of the public because of the harsh criticism that would come from not only his fans but also your own, knowing that being in the modeling industry was hard enough by just being a model. 

Dating as a model, however, especially when your reputation is out there for the world to see was even harder because of the obscure standards that society had. After texting him back and realizing that the makeup artist was waiting for you to sit in your chair to get your makeup done for the next photoshoot that you were supposed to do for the day. 

You were excited considering it was one that you were able to do with him for Vogue’s summer couple articles that they were planning on writing about; one that has been planned for months as it took a while for both yours and his agency to agree on. Vogue had asked both of you to model and be interviewed for their content, in which your manager had thought that it was a good idea to finally release a public statement of your relationship. 

The article would be posted in a couple months from now, but that didn’t mean that you weren’t nervous for it to come out.


The sound of a familiar voice blocks you out from the daze that you were in while your makeup was done and the moment that you looked in the mirror to lock eyes with the figure that walked into your room, a large grin coats your lips as you smile at him. Eric carefully makes his way over to you and rather than look at you through the mirror, he stands right where the vanity and takes in your features sharply, but gently with his eyes and you could tell by the large grin on his face that there was something he had in his mind. 

“To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here, Eric?” You giggled, getting up from your seat the moment that your makeup artist tapped your arm to allow you to and almost immediately, you’re already engulfed into his arms for a warm embrace. 

He places small kisses into your hair on the side of your head, making more giggles escape from you as he rocks you both back and forth. It had been a while since you had last seen him, both of your schedules conflicted with the other and it was hard to even match it up on most times, but on days like today where you were able to have a photoshoot today and also schedule a date night ahead of time was going to be a good day for you overall. 

You missed him anyway. 

“When will I be able to shower you with kisses and hugs in public?” He jokes, giving you a silly look on his face and for a moment, you reach up to squish his cheeks together into a pucker in order to give him a quick peck on the lips. 

It momentarily stuns him for a moment, but the large grin on his face doesn’t fade and you could’ve sworn that you saw the hearts in his eyes enlarge if it weren’t for the fact that you were also just as in love with him as he was with you. Pretty soon, you knew that your relationship would be in the eyes of the public and days like today where you’re both able to model together was going to be more often, but for now you treasured your little secret with him. 

“Someday soon. Now, let’s go get ready babe.”


It’s finally night time as you’re walking hand in hand with your boyfriend as his other hand was preoccupied with the picnic basket that he had packed this morning into his car. You were both walking alongside the river in silence, but anybody could tell by the way that he was swinging your intertwined hands that he was ultimately in love with you. 

“Do you think the grass has feelings when we step on them?” You randomly blurted out in the middle of silence and it takes everything within Eric to not playfully judge you right then and there. 

He gives you a confused look as if you had asked him an absurd question, even though it was, and he gently flicks your forehead before setting down the basket and blanket that was in his other hand. The two of you eventually had your dinner on the picnic blanket and shared what had been going on in your schedules, but it was mostly Eric considering he was animatedly telling you how he had been finding new adventures with your mutual friends Juyeon and Hyunjae after you told him about your regular routine. 

You were shocked to hear that he was able to have so much time off recently, making you miss the breaks and free time that you used to have also before you were bombarded with your schedules. It was to the point where you unknowingly frowned at the thought of it, making your boyfriend notice the ends of lips pointing downwards when he was just about to tell you about how he had gifts for you back at his place. 

“Hey, what’s wrong baby? Are you okay?” He asks you quietly, reaching up to cup your cheek and gently stroke your face and you nodded in response, letting out a small breath as you gave him a small smile. 

“I miss being able to spend time with you, ya know. Times like these us having late date nights planned weeks ahead of time sound like a fever dream… And it doesn’t feel like I’m actually with you when I have to go to work again the next day, while you’re able to take a break without me.” You rambled on, looking up at the stars and moon that were brightly shining above you to avoid the tears that were slowly starting to sting your eyes but you could tell that he was frowning as well at your words. 

You didn’t mean to make him upset with the burden you were feeling at this moment, but you realize that this overwhelming feeling had been building up since the moment that the photoshoot started to begin earlier today. Pretty soon, your relationship will be published by the time that the magazine comes out and then you’re in the eyes of the public even more than normal. You were scared of what everyone would say about you both knowing you had big names in the modeling industry, but what then?

“Is it because of today?” Eric asks you, breaking your thoughts and you could’ve sworn that your knees felt like jelly because he knew what you must’ve been thinking about after today. 

Truth be told, he had noticed from the moment that you were both taking photos and even if you were both having a good time modeling with one another, you had also seemed a little off as though there was something on your mind. He knew that coming out to the public with your relationship was going to be a scary moment, but he also swore to himself that he would be by your side the entire time that it happens, he wouldn’t leave you. 

“I’ll be with you at every step of the moment. I’m not letting you face the public alone, Y/N, I promised you that when we first started dating, and I promise you now too. We’re in this together, and I won’t leave you behind.”

His words made your heart feel like there were fireworks bursting in it, feeling him pull you into a warm embrace that comforted you more than words can explain. You were grateful for Eric and for his presence in your life, because you knew that you would’ve definitely been eaten alive in this industry, had he not appeared into your world. From what was supposed to be a prank when you both met when you faked being a photographer to his significant other now, you’ve both been through a lot. 

Even though the ups and downs of your relationship, you had only reserved your best smiles for what was supposed to be for the camera for the other instead. 

“Thank you Eric, I love you.” You smiled, hugging him even tighter as if he were to disappear at any moment and he kissed your cheek at the same time that you squeezed him, hoping that him being there was enough to make you feel reassured. 

And it did. 

“I love you too, my baby.”


permanent taglist: @allyg-onz@cuppasunu@morauvmi@viastro@unicornlay728@saeromiz@smolmochiminie@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@poutykyu@bubutaeyongie@pwttychannie@deputyjuyeon@winterbeartaehyungbestboy@sunwoahkim@karsohn@changmin-wrlds @escapewriter@awfullytiredbuthealing@fylithia@i4deonu@myluv-yeonjun@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@ilvaussie@beomgyugyu@theoskies@ja4hyvn​ @noempathyy@ilovechanhee (add yourself to my permanent taglist here!)

oneshot taglist: @stealanity@moonlight-additions​ @nayuyeons

cannot tag: @jaekiths @heojangmi @cowboyjaehyun @soobin-chois@kpoploverforever27
