#erice utsumi


What are you talking about, I would never do such a thing. *kicks Chen Gong and Arash away while whistling innocently*

Okay, 1) the past is a good foundation to build a new future - those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it and all that - and 2) aren’t you literally from a world where everyone has a Servant companion?

See, even the actual child Servant sees it!

The thing is, Erice has a point here even if she’s just being pissy about losing Voyager. The more we learn about what Chaldea used to be like, the less trustworthy Marisbury seems and the sketchier its true purpose becomes. It’s to the point that in some ways, Lev’s bombing might have done more good than harm to Chaldea if only because all the assholes are dead.

That said, I don’t need to take this from an angsty 14-year-old twerp cosplaying as an Inuyasha fan character.

Come on, Erice, you can do better than that as a Chuuni!

…Which means that in your world’s terms, you’re special.

So what you’re implying is that Erice is a Japanese Arjuna Alter?

Which means she’d be pretty strong conceptually if she actually possesses the power of creation.

Ok, but if she turned out to be a Projection prodigy like Shirou, she’d still have a decent Noble Phantasm. Especially if she figured out how to make it a Broken Phantasm.

Of course, it could also be a one-shot like Stella or Muramasa’s Kusanagi were. That’d explain how she’s able to wield something far above her weight class.

Hey Edgemiya, look - this one’s an edgelord too. You should go make friends.

I love how even Ritsuka is flabbergasted about the nickname.

Oh goody, she’s yandere.


NOCO’s commemorative art for the Requiem collab.
