#erie otters


Could you do #5 with Dylan strome? Love your writing:))

5. “I love you.”//“Well, you’re really bad at it.”

i envisioned dylan when i put that prompt in there lol


Okay, you got that Dylan was a busy guy and you appreciated that hockey was his everything, but this was the third date he’d missed just this month and it was really starting to get to you. You heaved a sigh and collected your things, hurrying out of the cafe to avoid the sympathetic glances you were being thrown. Pulling out your phone as you hopped into your uber, you called the only person who truly understood what you were going through.

“Y/n?” steph answered, a little confused but happy to hear from you nonetheless. 

“Hey.” you replied weakly. “I’m coming to Toronto, when are you free?”

“You are! We have to get coffee or something. When do you leave?” she asked excitedly.

“This afternoon. Sorry it’s late notice.” you replied quietly.

“Today? But I thought Dylan was- oh…” she said quietly as she realised what all this was about. “You can crash at my place if you need.”

“Thanks, Steph. I’ll fill you in tonight when I get there.” you sighed.

“Okay, Y/n.” Steph said, sounding a little sad for you. “I’ll see you then.”

You sighed as she hung up, dropping your phone into your lap as you rubbed your temple. Some might say this was a little drastic for missing a date but honestly, you’d uprooted your whole life to move to Arizona for Dylan and you missed your friends from Canada. You just needed a couple weeks to clear your head.

Upon arriving home, you set about frantically packing all your stuff, booking a ticket and calling an uber to take you to the airport. Meanwhile, Dylan had yet to arrive home so on your way out you quickly scrawled him a note so he wouldn’t freak out.

‘Dylan, gone home for a
couple of weeks. When I get
back, we need to talk.’

“Hey Steph.” you greeted wearily, enveloping her in a hug as you finally left the airport. “Sorry to keep you up so late.”

Steph brushed you off quickly. “Don’t worry about it. You’d do the same for me.”

You smiled. She knew you too well.

“So,” she began as she fastened her seatbelt and started up the car. “what’s going on?”

You let it all out. Telling Steph all about the missed dates, your homesickness and Dylan’s apathy towards it. By the time you made it to Steph’s place, you felt like a whole heap of weight had been removed from your shoulders. Steph was an amazing listener and she knew first-hand how difficult it was to date a hockey boy.

“Sounds like you needed a break.” she agreed when you finished. “But I really do think you guys need to talk when you get back.”

“I know.” You sighed. “Sometimes he just doesn’t..get it, y’know? Hockey is his whole life and he just can’t see how he could be hurting me if it involves improving his hockey.”

Steph huffed. “I know that feeling.”

“Thanks for everything, by the way.” you added as you set your stuff down in her spare room.

“Don’t question it. I know what you’re going through. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s never easy.” she corrected herself. “We’ve gotta have each other’s backs even when we’re 2 thousand miles apart.”

You smiled as Steph left the room, closing the door behind her. You rolled over to plug your phone in to charge. The screen lit up. 5 missed calls from Dylan. You sighed. You’d have to deal with that tomorrow seeing as it was nearing half-past twelve in the morning.

“You should go visit Trish.” Steph suggested as you and Steph cluttered around in the kitchen together. You hesitated and Steph fixed you with a stern look. “Have you still not called him back? Y/n, you’ve been here a week already, he’s probably going out of his mind.” she reprimanded. “Actually, I now for a fact, he’s going out of his mind because Mitch won’t stop texting me about it.” As if on cue, Steph’s phone lit up with another notification from her boyfriend. “See?”

You sighed. “I know. I just don’t wanna have this conversation over the phone.”

Steph nodded in understanding. “I really think you should go Trish, she literally raised him. She’ll know how to talk some sense into him.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sold.” you replied. You didn’t really need that much convincing Chris and Patricia had been your rock ever since you and Dylan started dating and you absolutely adored Dylan’s mother. 

“But call him first.” Steph added. “Oh! and, are you coming to the game on saturday?”

Oh shit. Dylan was playing in Toronto. How had that come up so quick? You’d completely forgotten.

“Of course.” No matter how weird things were between you and dylan at the moment, there was no way you’d miss the game. You swear he’d been crossing off the days before he got to play Mitch back home in Canada.

“l love you.” Dylan whined as soon as he picked up.

You huffed at him. “Well you’re really bad at it.”

Despite himself, you heard Dylan laugh.

“Anyway, Dylan, I’m fine please stop worrying.” you added.

“I know, you’re fine as fuck.”

You rolled your eyes. “Flattery isn’t gonna get you anywhere, Strome. I’m calling to tell you I’m okay so you’ll stop blowing up my phone.”

You heard Dylan’s voice soften. “But what about us? Are weokay?” 

You sighed, switching your mobile to your other ear. “Dylan…”

“Look, I know I’ve forgotten..who-knows-how-many dates. But you just up and left and I-”

“Dylan, look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I just need a breather. I just don’t want to do this over the phone…”

“We could facetime.” He suggested.

“Dylan, I’ll see you soon, okay? We can talk it over then.”

You hard him huff. “Fine.” he retorted before hanging up. 

You sighed. Great.

“Hey, thanks for driving me back up to Toronto.” 

“It’s no problem really.” Trish smiled back at you from the passengers seat. “Do you know when you’re going to get a chance to talk to Dylan?”

“I was hoping to catch him before the game tonight but he’s not replying to my texts.” You explained.

“Of course he isn’t.” She muttered. “Don’t worry, if he doesn’t reply soon I’ll drag him down to see you myself.”

You laughed at that. “Thank you both for everything, these past few days.”

“Don’t mention it. We just want what’s best for you both.”

You smiled at that, so grateful to hear her say so. You glanced down as your phone vibrated.

‘Meet me at HTO park in 30 minutes.’


“Is that Dylan?” Trish asked.

You glanced back up. “Yeah. Do you mind dropping me at HTO park?”

“Not at all. We can swing back in a couple of hours to take you to the game if you need?” Chris asked, but you smiled and shook your head lightly.

“Thank you for the offer but I think I might just meet you both there if that’s alright?” you asked as he pulled up by the park.

“Of course it’s alright. You’ve got my number, just call me if you change your mind.”

You smiled warmly. “Thank you, I’ll see you soon.”

You waved as Dylan’s parents drove off before taking a deep breath and turning around to face the park itself.

“You’re early.” you noted, joining Dylan on the grass.

“Did my parents drop you here?” 

You shrugged. “yes. And?”

He was quiet for a moment. “I thought you were trying to break up with me, not to get cosy with my mum.”

“Dylan, I’m not breaking up with you.” You told him sternly.

He glanced up. “You’re not?”

You rolled your eyes. “Of course not, dummy.”

“But you said you didn’t want to do it over the phone.” he frowned.

“Argue with you. Not break up with you.” You couldn’t help but chuckle a little. “Oh Dyl, no wonder you were so worked up.”
You sighed once before continuing. “Look, Dylan, I know last season was hard for you. I know it hasn’t been easy for either of us in Arizona, and I know you’re busy. But sometimes it feels like I don’t matter to you-”

“You know that’s not true.” he protested.

“I know. But it’s humiliating sitting in a cafe and not having you show. I hard not ever having you home. Look, I know improving your hockey is everything to you and I support that. But sometimes it just feels like we’re not even dating at all.”

“I’m sorry…” dylan murmured quietly.

“I know and I know you don’t mean to hurt me. and I’m sorry I scared you. But I missed home and my friends. I was upset and angry and I missed Canada. I just needed to go home for a little while.” you explained.

Dylan pulled you into a tight hug. “I know. I forget how hard it is on you sometimes. But I just want you to know that I appreciate it.” 

You smiled against his shoulder at that. “Do you want a coffee? I’m craving caffeine right now.” you added quietly, making dylan laugh.

“Yeah, you better keep awake for the game tonight so you can watch me whoop Mitchy’s ass.” he agreed.

“I look forward to it.”


@erieotters: Five years ago today, we won our 2nd OHLHockey championship title!
