

If the space ‘neath the tree’s rather small,
Then this works even with a vague call.
But conversely, if wide,
Unless detail’s supplied,
It’s as if he said nothing at all.

Very far from his house, our friend Steve,
Coming home from a trip Friday eve,  
Spies a landmark – a tree!
“By its trunk, home will be!”
And by this, he caneruvachieve.

“These four cubits – their own, or defined?
What of giants, like Og and his kind?
Is the short-armed man’s lot
To be stuck to one spot?”
“You use either, as you feel inclined.”

“A pauper out walking the street,
Makes an eruv just using his feet.
But the rich,” Meir said,
“Must use food such as bread”
“Nah, we’re pandering ‘cause they’re elite.”

Courtyarderuvs you make for some person
Unbeknownst to them, nothing’s averse in.
But an eruv tachumin
Don’t build – That’s presumin’!
Their freedom of movement you’ll worsen.

While their enemies chased, the Jews fled
To get swords from the armory shed,
And were tragically slaughtered;
So from then rabbis ordered,
“OnShabbat, take your swords home instead.”

If the wall of your sukkah has fallen
On the holiday, who are you callin’?
Your best bud, close at hand,
Who will stand, on command,
In that place, till you get a new wall in.

Shabbatmorn, what in Sura they taught,
By the evening to P-town was brought.
They too far apart lie!
But for one who can fly
(Eliyahu)tachum matters naught.

Nachman said, “If you’ve no idea where
Thetachum lies, you need not despair.
Mark off 2000 paces
And use that as your basis;
There’s a basic equivalence there.”

On a Friday the Ninth of Av fell.
Towards the evening, Akiva said, “Shell
Me an egg, slightly cooked,”
Which he ate as folks looked,
‘Cause to “show” is much better than “tell”.

Chris’s turnip truck came into town
On the holiday. After sun’s down,
Rava said, “Buy what’s sold.
It’s okay; these are old.
I can tell ‘cause they’re starting to brown.”

OnShabbat, when it starts  getting late:
“See that scholar out there by the gate?
Roamed as Torah he pondered.
That farmer? He wandered,
A lost ass that he tried to locate.”

A guy said of two eruvsnascent,
“One’s for now, one tomorrow.”
Ruled the rabbis with sorrow,
“That won’t work; find an agent complaisant.”

Says a fellow to five other men,
“I have set up this eruv, but when
Shabbat comes, I will choose
Who it’s for – one of youse.”
His effort’s for nothing, even then.

“If the goys appear east, I’ll go west,
If from west, then I think east is best.”
See which terms have been met.)
Such conditional statements are blessed.

If the eruv was burnt, or did roll
Past the limit where someone can stroll,
Shabbat Eve before night
I’m afraid that’s a plight,
Since it’s gone ereShabbat took control.

A regiment, said to be cruel,
Kicked Nachman right out of his school
So he said, “Fill our needs
By compressing some reeds
ForShabbat, so we’ll each have a stool.”

“Can an eruv that’s placed in a basket
High up in a tree do the task?” “It
Seems to me if it’s tipped,
Below ten it has dipped,
Therefore obvious. Why did you ask it?”

Ten handbreadths or more up a tree
Aneruv is not meant to be.
Below that, it’s fit.
And if placed in a pit,
It is good even down half ali.
