#especially my son kuea


Cutie Pie isn’t necessarily a series that’ll make you cry, but you know what might break me? If at some point during the final episodes, they show us Kuea’s photo shelf—but instead of the photoshopped mock-ups there a now actual pictures of him and Lian. The real them. Enjoying their time together and all of the moments they’ve missed out because of the lack of communication and misunderstandings.

Selfies in Lian’s sportscars. A photo of Lian’s first time riding pillion on Kuea’s bike at the circuit (preferably taken by Yi or Diao while laughing on the sidelines because Lian is screaming, internally of course, while holding on to Kuea for dear life). Silly photo booth pictures after fun dates at the mall. I want it all for them, especially Kuea.
