#especially the part about him hating takemichi



Sanzu is a product of his environment. We saw him when he was younger. He was a soft and sweet boy. We also saw that he didn’t quite understand how to navigate the relationships with his siblings, and wanted to be more like his friends who were able to stand up for themselves. He was brought up in an environment full of violence, between Takeomi being a part of the Black Dragons and always being with Mikey and Baji who were both born fighters, Mikey being a prodigy and Baji loving to scrap. Sanzu cries because he is stuck in this situation that he doesn’t understand and doesn’t want to be in.

I don’t think Sanzu can fight. At all. He uses weapons and tricks to fight, he doesn’t care about a fair fight, he only needs to win. Because that’s how he’s grown up, that’s how he’s protected himself. He isn’t physically strong, but he’s surrounded by all this violence, he has to be able to protect himself because no one is going to protect him. So he resorts to dirty tricks and lethal weapons.

His dramatic antics are also to protect himself. I think the real Sanzu without the act is a cry baby like Takemichi. It’s like how people that are neglected act out in a desperate attempt to be noticed and seen. Sanzu’s telling everyone that he’s here because he’s not going to be relegated to the sidelines and then stepped on. He’s put up all these walls and dressed them up with flair so no one will notice them.

I think this is partly why he hates Takemichi so much. He sees himself in him, or what he could have been if given the chance. The violence surrounding him has twisted him to become someone he isn’t, and his environment won’t let him throw off that persona that he’s created. Sanzu was made to protect him, and remains the barrier that keeps his true feelings from coming out to everyone.
