#esselle writes

Langa doesn’t want to lose Reki, too.Read it on AO3!Rating: Teen And Up AudiencesRelationships

Langa doesn’t want to lose Reki, too.

Read it on AO3!

Rating:Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Hasegawa Langa/Kyan Reki
Additional Tags: Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, written mere MOMENTS after watching ep 7, Kissing

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No one is more surprised than Ushijima and Kageyama to realize that they are, in fact, dating.Read i

No one is more surprised than Ushijima and Kageyama to realize that they are, in fact, dating.

Read it on AO3!

Relationships:Kageyama Tobio/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Additional Tags: First Dates, Accidental Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Humor, Post-Time Skip, Canon Universe

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Kageyama Tobio only loves a few things in life: computers, movies, and interacting with other peopleKageyama Tobio only loves a few things in life: computers, movies, and interacting with other people
Kageyama Tobio only loves a few things in life: computers, movies, and interacting with other people as little as possible. So when he meets hotel employee Hinata Shouyou on a work trip and doesn’t immediately hate him, it comes as something of a shock. Hinata is everything Tobio isn't—outgoing, worldly, and sexy AF. Even more surprising is the part where Hinata seems to be just as interested in him in return, plunging Tobio into the kind of whirlwind attraction he’s only ever seen in films, and certainly never experienced for himself.
Tobio doesn’t know why Hinata would want anything to do with him, but he can’t stop himself from falling for Hinata’s movie star-level charisma… and the air of mystery that surrounds him. Because for all their chemistry, there’s something holding Hinata back, making him push Tobio away.
But Tobio is used to keeping people at arm’s length, so he might be able to figure out how to get Hinata to let his guard down—and prove that he can be more than just some nerd Hinata met on the job.

Chapter 16 is up on AO3!

Relationships:Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, First Meetings, Romance, Nerd Kageyama Tobio, Hotels, World Travel, Semi-Public Sex, Blood and Violence, Age Difference, Pining, Past HinaAtsuOi, Minor Miya Atsumu/Oikawa Tooru

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