

lately every social interaction i have has felt like a trainwreck. and they just keep sending more trains

if i could sleep with one guy in all of history, i think i’d pick Bram Stoker. the guy had some serious repression going on, i think he’d benefit from just being able to have some gay sex with no consequences. also he was hot


godddd i’ve slowly been watching one of my friends transform into one of those people who wears a kink collar out in public with her boyfriend

also on top of my other concerns about their relationship, she’s moving from philadelphia to canada to move in with him, which would make it very easy for him to possibly abuse her since she would be away from any existing social support she had

godddd i’ve slowly been watching one of my friends transform into one of those people who wears a kink collar out in public with her boyfriend

i think my favorite genre of post on this website is where people just openly admit to committing crimes, and there are absolutely no consequences because this website is a lawless wasteland

so i know that it’s probably a bad idea to gather in groups indoors right now because of the pandemic and especially because spread is going to be really quick after so many people were gathering for christmas parties last week, but also we’ve all been vaccinated and we’re all getting tested, so hopefully it should be fine?

i still think it’s so fucking funny that tumblr let me blaze that last post

emotions are weird for me because i would almost never describe myself as “feeling” them, i can only recognize that i’m having an emotion by the thoughts and desires associated. (for instance, when i’m “sad”, i usually recognize it by a strong desire to curl up in bed.)

anyways, i think i’m angry right now? which is a new one tbh, i can literally only remember one instance of being angry before in my whole life. that other one was one of very few times i would describe myself as having felt something, and even then it was only for a second or two. but right now it’s… not really a cold anger, because that still seems too much like feeling. more like it’s just very done with everything, not in an annoyed way, but like a “fed up with bending over backwards for other people for no reason” way.

but all that is to say i don’t like it haha
