

Actually shell-shocked uk got points but uh nevermind that UKRAINE WON!!!!!!

Omg uk last to say votes for i’m VIBRATING

Listen Spain was good but i breathed a sigh of relief at ukraine staying first

Ukraine and Serbia woooooooooooo

Norway was robbed

Omg switzerland

Excuse me there was just a crocheted subwoofer toy in frame in the green room??? What a crime for them not to win im in love

Me about to write an angry post about moldova erasure with the public vote: …okay backspace this was good… still angry about romania tho

Laura singing Mika’s “take it easy” omg so cute

Austrian announcer just popping open a cold one and drinking straight outta the bottle on international television as he announced 12 points to uk

Now if this aint the mood

…what is going on with Latvia’s announcer?? That headdress what

Wtf iceland at least vote for the banana wolves

This year we might just get 0 points for Germany, everyone keep with the trend

Wtf jury why are romania, moldova, norway and ukraine so far behind??? What bullshit is this

Not just one song not just two we’re getting a show down memory lane omg i’m cryinggg mikaaaaaa


Me watching Serbia: but… they’re translating that wrong… missing the point… it’s not “god has forsaken me i’m left on my own” it’s “god has forsaken me i don’t have medical insurance”

(because she’s an artist and therefore needs to be healthy to live and to work, thats the whole point of this controversial song…)

cannot believe my own two eyes right now. UK number right now.

here comes the fuckass jury votes

UK could bring the best song in the world and still get 0 points
