#eustass kid imagine


ill see you again

kid x reader


warnings: maybe a tiny bit of angst?

as dusk settled upon the small town nestled in the plush hills ons the island, the docks were alight with excited souls, those belonging to rowdy, carefree, adventurous, violent pirates. footsteps thundered against the ground as they rushed about, carrying crates, boxes, a variety of stolen goods; there was a horse and a few animals that’d be gone a few days into the voyage, barrels were passed down the dock, nets and spears and the rest of an arsenal hauled by burly men looking more than equipped with enough experience to handle said weapons, and of course the large barrels of various alcohols, bottles themselves, and crates stocked with intoxicating drinks, were all walked down the dock to the awaiting ship.

there were two crews lugging the supplies around, exchaning smiles and laughs, drinks- after almost 2 years sailing together, it was time to go their seperate ways. a few men had taken refuge in the bar nearby, leaning against each other laughing and reminiscing about the adventures they’d shared. tears were shed, and as dusk grew darker, you could find them saying farewell.

and as the crew loaded onto the ship, standing at the railings waving at the other crew, the captains were drowning. the captain of the boat that’d be staying ashore one more night, leaned his broad frame against the splintering wood of an old store, worn unrecognizable by years of weather, pirates, marines, and simple time. as y/n met him against the wall, the crew could see that their captains’ relationship had changed, worn unrecognizable by years of pirates, marines, and simple time. y/n stared up at him blankly, with adrenaline already coursing through their veins at the thought of abandoning everything known and discovering a new horizon. the moonlight painted the scene romantic, or dreamlike. two impossibly young people, with hearts filled with rage and craving and spirit, with eyes glued to the horizon, with souls screaming at the thought of freedom, stared at each other like they didn’t know who the other was.

“so.. uhm, i’m gonna go.” y/n said, with lack of better words. kid nodded, mumbling an incoherent response; and with everything left unspoken, y/n turned around and walked down the dock.

my the time the young captain reached a blank horizon, with stars scattered across the ocean, they could barely remember everything from the past two years, or even before that. like everything had been drempt, by a hopeless wanderer, yearning for someone to join them.

“please don’t leave me”

w/ kid and doflamingo

warnings: angst-ish

i didn’t get carried away i promise

drunken, slurred lyrics filled the old bar; accompanied by the loud pounding of boots against the tables, bar, and floor. it was one of those nights, when everything feels perfect- you’re free, powerful, and in love. it’s almost euphoric.

sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the crowded, boisterous room, was the captain. the man you loved with all of your heart, and on his thigh, you sat happily. the redhead had his flesh arm wrapped around your waist, in the other hand he held a large mug of whatever the crew had gotten so energetic with- but kid was perfectly happy sitting down with you. the grin on his face expressed more happiness than malice, for once, and you could see that this is how he wanted to live.

looking up at him, almost having to peek over his broad chest, you beamed with admiration, careless to the teasing that was no doubt being thrown around. it seemed that at least one of the taunts had reached kid, because his chest rumbled with a chuckle before he looked down at you.

“what’re you staring at?” he asked with a smirk, bright, fiery eyes locking with yours; they appeared filled with madness, but how else could kid love?

“please don’t leave me, kid.” you said, maintaining the twinkle in your smile despite the melancholia of your question. a pout formed on the captain’s lips and a wrinkle in his brow.

“why’re you saying that?” he asked, voice, laced with confusing. you simply continued to smile at him, though your eyes grew softer, more sentimental, as you stared into the burning timbers of his eyes. after a shared moment of silence, kid set down his cup and rested his mechanical hand on the table; then, turning slightly in the chair, he pulled you closer and ducked his head down, capturing your lips in his.

a series of whistles and cheers erupted throughout the bar. kid pulled away but tucked his chin next to your ear.

“i’d never leave you.” he whispered gruffly, pulling away with red dusting his cheeks. slipping his legs out from under the table, he pushed the chair back a bit and propped his feet on the table, and theen grabbing your legs, he positioned you bridal style on his lap.

you settled your cheek against the warm skin of broad chest, placing your hand over his on your waist. the bar was alight with cheeers and whistles. one of the men raised his mug, with a booming voice he called for a cheers. the rowdy group of men cheerfully raised their mugs, and with a cackle and the menace returning to his eyes, kid picked his up.

sitting in one of the many luxurious items of furniture filling the palace of dressrosa, doflamingo sat with his signature coat discarded on the couch to the left of the chair. clad in only his white satin pajama pants, he brought the bottle of wine to his lips repeatedly until it looked like he wore smudged lipstick.

the door made an abnormaly loud creak when you opened it, most likely amplified by the quietness of the room doffy sat in. the glowing lights of dressrosa just managed to peak in through the window with the moon, casting light across the broad chest of doflamingo. he would have appeared to have not noticed you coming in, but you knew better than to think that. you silently slipped into the room and closed the door, walking across the room until you reached where doffy sat.

one of his arms rested just anough on the arm rest that you could see he had left room for you. you climbled in to his lap carefully, settling back against his warm chest. you peered up at him with a blank expression. doffy turned down to you, scowling and taking another sip of wine.

“doffy, please don’t leave me.” you whispered. at this, the blond stopped mid drink and removed the bottle from his lips. his face softened and he wore an unreadable expression. doffy had never thought he’d need to hear that, but just as you said it he felt a small piece of that heavy chain around his heart, fall away. a warmth blossomed in his chest and a lump in his throat. he lowered his head more, bringing his forehead against yours.

throught the glassess, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you could feel them boring in to you. he gently rubbed his forehead against yours, before grabbing your feet that hung off the chair and swinging them over his lap. with your head resting agaisnt his shoulder, and his chin moved to the crown of your head, his lengthy arms encircled your figure and he finally found sleep.

tracing their chest

w/ kid, doflamingo, zoro

  • kid was drunk in his workshop again, not for any particular reason, everyone had just been drinking
  • but kid is now drunk AND sleepy, so in you come padding over to stand behind him
  • he glanced up when he heard the door enter and his eyes tiredly followed you across the room
  • you threw your arms over his shoulders from behind and put your chin on his shoulder nuzzling against his neck until he turned his head to look down at you
  • “hi babe.” he said
  • “hi sweetie, you comin to bed?”
  • kid grunted in response, meaning yes basically, but stayed put staring down at you
  • after a few minutes of silence, during which you had turned your head on his shoulder to look down at the confusing trinkets on his desk, kid dropped (carelessly leaned) his head against yours
  • you felt his body relax as he let out a sigh, and you brought your hand up to his broad chest where you started to lightly trace swirls on the warm skin
  • doffy lounged sprawled out on one of the many lush couches he had in the palace, listening to a group of underlings talk about who knows what- he’d stopped listening by then
  • he heard the familiar sound of your heels and a grin quickly spread across his face as he saw you enter the room
  • he reached out one of his arms and made a grabby motion for you, and you walked over and crawled on top of him
  • he had his head resting on one of his arms behind his head, the other idly cupped the back of your head
  • with your finger tip you traced random things onto doflamingo’s skin, the warmth of his body comforting you and lulling you to sleep when paired with the droning of his underlings as they kept talking despite both you and doffy falling asleep together
  • ignoring the snores, crashing of waves, and occasional sleep talking whispers from the others, the boys cabin was silent
  • you could just barely make out the silhouette of your boyfriend who’d been asleep for hours already
  • one of his arms was tightly wound around your waist and had yet to move even after hours, holding you directly on top of zoro while he slept
  • your hand mindlessly swept back and forth over zoro’s chest which rose and fell almost mezmerizingly under your fingertips
  • in the calm atmosphere of the room your eyelids drooped again as zoro subconsciously pulled you even closer against him and his chin fell to rest on the crown of your head