#evander kane




hmmm sorry i know i’m literally talking to no one but it’s so annoying that whatever joy i feel for dr*i and tys*n is tampered by the distain i have for k*ne. and i knowwww he’s not the only bad guy in the league ok I KNOW but i just resent so strongly not only him but also this fkn redemption arc people are trying to force for him like sure it’d be cool if it was just a guy who struggled with a gambling addiction and fell into a financial hole bc of it but then crawled out of said hole and became a great player again but it isn’t it fucking isn’t and people just gloss over the abuse and assault and it’s not at all surprising but it’s not fucking ok

@birdcage kasper this is too good i had to add it thank you

[ID: a reply from user BirdCage that says, “what rly chaps my ass is that this isn’t even a new thing for him, like his whole career is just him getting traded for his off ice problems, going to a new team and being on his best behavior so he gets rewarded with a huge contract, and then him getting into problems off ice again etc etc the league and the fans by proxy are just enabling a cycle of abuse and poor behavior at this point by buying into his "redemption arc” over and over again and it fucking sucks" End ID.]
