#evangelion thrice upon a time


Save yourself….wake up

Asuka Thrice Upon a Time

/another little spoiler/

I don’t know how many of you have already seen the movie, so I don’t want to say much. But don’t you notice that Asuka looks older / more mature in this scene? ( Compared to the previous scenes or maybe its just my perception) … I think it’s because of EVA’s curse and the end of it … I’ll stop here, so I won’t say more …

No se cuantos de ustedes ya hayan visto la peli,asi que no quiero decir mucho (#porquespoiler) .Pero, no nota como que Asuka se ve mas grande/madura en esta escena? (comparado con las escenas anteriores o quizá es solo mi percepción )..Creo que tiene que ver con la maldición del Eva y el fin de èsta…No digo nada mas…

Misato and Kaji’s son…

finally we get to know this was little Asuka …

a little spoiler …
You can see a poster of sugar sugar rune (Moyoco Anno)
- the screenshot is from the movie : Evangelion Thrice upon a time- .. I think it’s here for obvious reasons. First because she is Hideaki’s wife and secondly I think it has to do with the collaboration they did before (that of “Shaun the Sheep”), maybe there are other reasons but those were the first ones that came to mind.
