#evening in paris

When I saw this Evening in Paris set of beauty products I couldn’t help but marvel over it. It

When I saw this Evening in Paris set of beauty products I couldn’t help but marvel over it. It even had all of the products in the containers! While I was oohing and ahhing over this my friend Anya noticed that it was a music box as well. So she turned the knob and lovely notes started playing. I was so intrigued by this brand that I did a little research when I came home.

The Evening in Paris scent was created in 1928 by Ernest Beaux. He is also the man  behind the creation of Chanel no 5. This set of bottles appears to be from the 1930’s because of the curved silver label. And it would have most-likely been sold around the holidays since that was when they released special gift sets. Evening in Paris was touted as “the fragrance that more women wear than any other in the world” for it’s classic sweet floral scent.  

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