#every pairing deserves a college au



Stuck in the Cody house event


Since we are not getting Animal Kingdom as usual this year, and we are seriously lacking behind the scenes content, how about some fandom fun? 

Who would be interested in doing a drabble (100 words) or ficlet (100 to 2.5k) about being stuck in the Cody house? Any reason, not just COVID-19. 

All ships and characters, gen fic too.

For those of you less inclined to words, a quick moodboard, sketchy art, gifs or anything else on the same would be wonderful. Something fun and easy.

If you are keen, or even if you’re not, please consider signal boosting. We’re a tiny fandom!

We were thinking that it would run for May, but there’s no real schedules or deadlines, just let us know if you want to participate, and same when you post. Ask us if you have any questions too. 

We miss fandoming with everyone, and hope you all will join in on the fun.

We’re using #cody house and ta if you link back to this post.

Thanks all

@adrianintown​ and @iresolatio​ 

Oh this’ll be fun! What a great way to get some content, be it fic or otherwise! I’m actually in the midst of editing an AU for Deran/Adrian that I had planned to post around what should’ve been the S5 premiere, so this feels like a great opportunity to do that and participate a little in a fandom moment, in my way :)
