#every time



“The massive expansion of school police is predicated on the idea that it makes schools safer, but this just isn’t true. Schools with heavy police presence consistently report feeling less safe than similar schools with no police. There is no evidence that SROs reduce crime, and there have been only a few instances where officers played a role in averting a potential gun crime (these mostly involved threats). In one 2013 case an officer in Atlanta stopped a school shooting in progress; the intended target had already been shot, along with a school employee, and the perpetrator was no longer shooting when apprehended. Research generally shows that reported crimes actually increase with the presence of SROs. This is in part because they uncover more contraband and treat more things as criminal matters than would have been the case previously. There is no solid evidence that they reduce thefts or violence.”

Alex S. Vitale, The End of Policing


Republicans only care about gun manufacturers profits. Dead children boost sales.


Republicans respond with distractions when leadership and answers are needed.


Sign-ups are now open, and will remain open until Sunday, 12 September 2021 8:00 PM UTC.

The complete tagset can be found here, and the sign-up form is here.

You must make at least 3 requests in 2 different fandoms, up to a maximum of 10. You may request the same fandom more than once, but must request different characters or groups.

You may choose up to 10 worldbuilding tags per request. Worldbuilding tags are optional and will not be matched on. They can be used to provide information to your writer/artist about what you are interested in seeing in a story.

As usual, the tagset is large! Please be aware that a sign-up with only a few highly specific requests may be difficult to match.  Rare characters or groups can also be trickier to match, so please give us as many options as you can so we can find the best person to fulfill your prompt.

Any DNWs must be entered on the AO3 sign-up form – DNWs in letters hosted elsewhere cannot be considered binding, as letters hosted elsewhere can be changed after creators begin working.

You must make a minimum of 4 offers. Make sure to state if your offer is fic, art, or both. You may offer the same fandom more than once, but you must use different characters on each offer.



i think about this one so fucking often i had to clip it

[Video description: A clip from the game show Game Changer, wherein the participants have to act out a prompt. There are four people on this set. Sam is the host, Brennan plays the lawyer, Zac plays the defendant, and Josh is just watching.

Sam, reading the prompt: A defendant stupidly interrupting his lawyer’s closing remarks.

Brennan takes a breath and then starts his speech, putting emphasis on the most important words: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Over the past four days, you have seen the state prosecutor attempt to effectively bamboozle you with a series of hearsay arguments and loose, speculative evidence, placing my client near the scene of the crime, during the time of the murder. This evidence does nothing to indicate motive, or means, in the horrific murder of Roger Bell. Ultimately, it will be your decision to say does this man deserve a lifetime in a federal penitentiary, based on specious, inconclusive evidence. You are tasked to consider the evidence and whether it proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, whether my client is guilty. Is my client a perfect man? No.

Zac, interrupting without missing a beat, plainly: I killed him, yeah.

All four of them burst out laughing.

Brennan raises his head to get Sam’s attention and gets back in character: Your honor, your honor.

Brennan then gets closer to Zac and grabs his face to speak into his ear. They stage whisper and talk over each other.

Zac: Yeah, did I fuck up? Did I fuck up?

Brennan: What the fuck are you doing? Shut up. Shut up. Don’t say anything, okay?

Sam, ending the scene: You know Zac, you really are a master of restraint. Your role there was small, but my god was it funny. I’m going to say two points for each of you.

/End of video description]



i hate all the people who go like “ohh van gogh is overrated” or “you just like van gogh cause it’s popular”. yeah? so what? can’t i like stuff that a lot of people like? can’t you admit that dude is an amazing painter and deserves every single fucking ounce of recognition? shut up, please. i’m falling in love with the starry night all over again wheter you find that good or not, bitch

“Van Gogh is overrated”

Well maybe if you watched the museum scene from the Dr Who Van Gogh episode you’d understand.


watching a sally wainwright show is me just sitting and pointing at every actor that’s been in all of her shows and acting shocked every time


villain: [is sexy]

me: sorry moral compass broke :(


when u find out ur on ur period it’s like Everything tht has happened recently suddenly makes sense like Oh.that’s why. that’s why everything is ugly and i am suffering


you’d think after a decade i’d be bored of experiencing the implosion of the spn fandom as a spectator sport, but no, it’s funny every time

Talee: Really loves a certain NPC. Very attached.
Talee: Gets a fucked up jar from the Haunted-Spooky-Mysterious ‘Fortune Teller’ lady that’s been following them around which implies that Talee will grow to hate said NPC/NPC is 'bad’.

A beat of silence as she puts the implication together.

@justbooker, Talee’s PC: NO LISA NO WHY NO NOOOOOOOO

every SINGLE TIME i try to study for a test i ALWAYS end up watching youtube explanation videos. all roads lead to simpleclub



“Years ago a friend of mine had a dream about a strange invention; a staircase you could descend deep underground, in which you heard recordings of all the things anyone had ever said about you, both good and bad. The catch was, you had to pass through all the worst things people had said before you could get to the highest compliments at the very bottom. There is no way I would ever make it more than two and a half steps down such a staircase, but I understand its terrible logic: if we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.

— I Know What You Think of Me, Tim Kreider for the New York Times

after YEARS of seeing this quote online and finding it to be the most deeply and resoundingly profound writing i finally found the source article and absolutely nothing could prepare me for this opening paragraph
