#everyone go check him out and follow him

wildixia: [WIP] ✨✨✨ My love affair for Gladio with majestic hair continuesI should add to this tha


[WIP] ✨✨✨

My love affair for Gladio with majestic hair continues

I should add to this that my reference for this hairstyle is from lithunium.snow on instagram. This hairstyle is not something I made up, I’m just really inspired by him and the beautiful way he styles his hair. I was going to tag him when I finished the final, but I should have done it for the sketch first. The reference I used is from here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BUkUy8hB8ED/?hl=en&taken-by=lithunium.snow

I apologize fully for being irresponsible and not adding the tag here, that was completely my fault. I take no ownership for his hair, I just wanted to put it on Gladio and practice drawing braids. If people feel that I should take this sketch down, I will. 

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