#everyone go follow these fantastic artists



Happy Pride from Hyrule!

It’s dangerous to go alone - take friends!

So a few friends got together to celebrate the diversity LoZ and Link in all the best ways! Being a hero is being proud of who you are and showing courage even when it’s difficult. This pride month, I hope everyone can find the hero inside their own heart. As for all you ally side-kicks, thank you for letting the community know there is always someone in their corner supporting them and having their back.
So Happy Pride, everyone, and enjoy this love letter to LoZ and the LGBT+ community!

All participants under the cut!

Keep reading

So incredibly proud (no pun intended) of every single one of you guys!! This turned out so amazing in the end thanks to everybody’s help ❤️. Had an incredible time being a part of this ️‍️‍⚧️
